
Sarlin Starstriker

Ask @CrusaderSarlin

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You're a hunter and you're allowed one pet to accompany you for the rest of your days, who do you tame?

Not every hunter is what you presume her to be, Darius. Many hunt their prey solitarily. *chuckles*
Although, if I had the choice? I suspect when my young Frostwolf grows a little older and bigger, she'd be a fitting companion for me. That is, if I trained her to be so. Clarise has been taking care of her most of the time, so she's likely as much of a softy as the little one.

We all know that Trade-Prince Gallywix has had his own agenda since the beginning (money!) Do you think that this will ever get in the way of the Goblins' allegiance to the Horde? Will they join another faction of Goblins to make more money?

Fuck goblins, is all I'm gonna say. Or not.
Does Gally have his own agenda? Yep. Rob the world blind.
Will it get in the way of his allegiance to the Horde? If it means I have to deal with less of them, I fucking hope so.
Will they join another faction? I fucking hope not.
Okay, that was perhaps a little vague and harsh of me. I'm not really THAT big a fan of goblins, for various reasons, mainly because they insist on calling me either "Sarls" or "Toots" and always ask me for a tip. A fucking tip. I mean, it's not every day you tip someone and have them say "No, that's not good enough," and then you have to tip them more.
To be quite honest, though...ugh, I just kind of admire the way they phrase things. It's...unghh...I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M SAYING THIS, BUT I've actually started to sort of like them a little bit. SORT OF. A LITTLE BIT. And that is no thanks to that Grottee Metalbeard dude, either. Okay, maybe it is. A little. PARTIALLY. LIKE, MAYBE AROUND 5%. SLIGHTLY LESS. Ugh, it's just kinda hard to see things like this and not have a spark of admiration for someone.
Now, you and I will both continue our lives like this never happened.
(( Strongly suggest you read the whole comment, particularly if you're into "notoriously hot blood elf strippers". http://warchiefscommandboard.com/?p=104041 ))

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We all know that TradePrince Gallywix has had his own agenda since the beginning
Liked by: Garrosh Hellscream

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Alliance and Horde relations have never been better; since the Siege of Orgrimmar, the two factions have been downright friendly to each other. Do you think these positive relations will last? Do you think a friendly event like the Argent Tournament would help preserve the peace between factions?

Never been better? Downright friendly to each-other? Exactly where have you been?
I don't know what you consider to be positive relations. Granted, it is something of a blessing to know that they're mostly sticking to their own cities and not, you know, making preparations to invade someone else's. It could also be considered a positive relation for a human and an orc to pass each-other on the way to the felweed dealer and not take that as an opportune moment to slaughter each-other.
That's not what I'd call friendly.
In fact, let me tell you a little story! Once upon a time, in a land far, far away from here (in another timeline, to be precise) there was a beautiful forest called Talador, where an elf called Sarlin was wandering in curiosity as a respite from inoculation and a rather lengthy process of healing, after being held prisoner and interrogated by not one, but two Warlords of Draenor, not the mention coerced into a combat arena against a lot of ogres and gronn. The elf in question travelled perhaps a little too far, after being in recuperation mode for so long, and ahead of her, saw a Draenei stronghold where she limped feebly to west her weary bones. And do you want to know what the Draenei at the front gates did when they saw her?
Downright friendly, eh? Hmph.
As far as an event like the Argent Tournament goes, well, you saw how well it worked out the last time. I'll be honest, I don't think I could live through another of those without throwing a hissy fit.

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Tirion's foremost reasons for holding the Argent Tournament is no doubt to find Azeroth's greatest fighters and bring the Alliance and Horde together against the Lich King. Do you think Siege of Icecrown Citadel would have been a success if there has been no tournament?

Anybody with a head and heart could probably see past the "Victory to the Strongest" stance of the tournament, you included. I will not deny, for a second, that rallying Azeroth's bravest champions was a crucial intention of the tournament, but there was something far deeper at play; a hope that the Alliance and the Horde would loose from their tether binding them to old hatred and finally see what is at stake. No such luck, of course. Not after the Wrathgate. We truly did the best we could do.
However, you raise an interesting point, albeit a question that nigh on answers itself. I'm almost certain that the Ashen Verdict would have succeeded with outside assistance, maybe even with less deaths during the march. However, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything here; we were desperate in Icecrown. We needed the outside help. It almost got to where we would have to turn our artillery upon our own soldiers, thereby damning their souls forever, just so we could even make it to the wretched hold. Thank the Light that the heroes answered, and I was as shocked as everyone when several of these heroes shed their faction's colours and stood beneath the Argent Banner in turn. To this day, some of those old Alliance heroes and Horde veterans now stand with us in unity. I never doubted them, and they fought with as much honour as any proud hero of the Light does. Of course, at that time, and I am still unsure how, the hatred hadn't seeped into their hearts.
I don't hold any grudges against the Alliance or the Horde, keep this in mind. In fact, I have close ties with both of them, personally. I just wish they'd take care of our world, rather than its denizens.

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You find yourself raised as a death knight and a member of the Ebon Blade. How would you approach your friends in the Argent Crusade?

(( *snickers* ))
Back in the day, I presume you mean? It's a thought that has often crossed my mind, and sadly, a fate that befell a countless number of our dear soldiers.
The Knights of the Ebon Blade were, as you likely know, the Death Knights of Acherus, a select number of servants bound to the Lich King's will, their minds clouded by the voice of his commands, and his undying hatred. They were merciless as they swept across the Plaguelands, butchering the Scarlet Crusade, murdering the defenceless citizens of Havenshire, re-animating the fallen as they went, without a second thought. The Knights of Acherus, however, were driven by nothing other than the Lich King's command. They were as mindless as the ghouls they raised, followed the lion blindly as misdirected lambs. I didn't think it possible that they would ever seek redemption for their ghastly crimes, but as far as I'm concerned, they gained my respect the moment Highlord Mograine threw the Ashbringer to Tirion.
I don't know how I'd ever forgive myself for those crimes if that was the Knight I was raised as, if I'd be able to live with it, or if I'd just tear myself to pieces until that serene wave of mercy finally claimed me for the deeps.
I get the feeling, though, that this wasn't the answer you were seeking. After all, neither the Argent Crusade nor the Ebon Blade were formed until the battle for Light's Hope Chapel was finally over.
Darion Mograine wasn't a man of mercy in Northrend, I'll grant you that, but his intentions were clear, and whether or not others would agree, he was an honourable man, and I'll never forget the tenacity of his plight in unison with ours. If I somehow died in Northrend, and through a series of events, ended up with alongside Highlord Mograine and his Death Knights, nothing would turn me away from his knights.
As for approaching my friends... *sighs* It was no secret that many of the Light's champions were repulsed by the Ebon Blade initially, and who can blame them? But I could see more than efforts forming by the time we reached Icecrown. I saw friendships forming. Such is the way of unity and perseverance. Incidentally, I formed tight friendships between two champions of the Ebon Blade; Kheina Raalya and Nadrine Hollowoak. I met them both at the Argent Tournament.
I don't know how, where, or in what manner I would approach them, but the answer I'm certain of at present is that I would, and there'd be no fear in me to do so.

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How many paladins does it take to change a lightbulb?

Yes, yes, we've all heard that one...wasn't even funny the first time I heard it. *grumbles*

Where did the nickname Sarls come from?

(( @Gazlowe_ spouted that one, actually! And I didn't take to it well. ಠ_ಠ GOOBLLIIINNNSS.
Although, yeah, it kind of grew on Sarls after a while and now I think it's just the most adorable pet name ever. ))

How do you end a SL or a casual RP you no longer enjoy?

(( I wouldn't end a storyline without consulting the writers involved, and in that case, I'd typically try and end it faster if I REALLY hated it. Most of the time, storylines are planned between me and another writer(s) as I never just jump into one uninvited. Casual RP, however, it's a case of letting my character act totally uninterested or have to leave, or me just stopping altogether. It rarely gets to that. I enjoy writing with other people a lot and if I am vacuous or notably aggresive, there's often a far deeper reason behind it. So don't be put off. ))

Do you ever pap your real face?

That sounds highly unhygienic. And quite disgusting, and I will kindly thank you to never mention that word in my presence again.
(( I don't really want to turn my RP ask into anything massively personal. @ClareRoseMartin98 is my personal ask. ))

This holiday season, do you belong on the naughty or the nice list? Why? ((Happy Holidays!))

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
I don't see why I'd be on the naughty list, unless you count certain sensuous activities I may or may not have performed with a certain Night Elf mage. *chuckles* No, I think I've been a good girl this year. Happy Winter's Veil to you, Lady Towers! May the Light protect you, and all you love, during this wondrous Winter's season!
(( Myself? Pfft. I was doing pretty well this year until, like, a week ago when my friends @LumenLegion and @DarMiu sucked me into Telegram. Ever since has been a recurring pattern of THESE types of conversations and all those 11 and a half months of hard labour to get some decent gifts this year were thrown away with a single night of too much coffee, not enough sleep and silly silly silly.
Have a happy Christmas, Rakael! ))
This holiday season do you belong on the naughty or the nice list Why Happy

All in fun, who is on your naughty list and who is on your nice list?

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
(( I'm going to have to answer this one out of character, since I already burnt up all the Ask space with my personal answer and, well, you know what Sarls is like when she gets going.
I'm stuck for the naughty list, to be honest! Maybe that certain metal-bearded goblin I won't give a name for, nor any clues as to who he is save that his name rhymes with Grottee. Oh, what? That IS his name!? Welp. Maybe Wrathion, too, but for no reason other than his inflated ego, which is so cute, jus' saying.
Nice list? Well, there'll probably be a repeat or two from the last list, including yourself and Garrosh, of course, and also including Anaria, Melathor, Rheyen, Lyandra, maybe also Shay and Ruekie. The list would be endless. I mean, it'd save so much time and character-space if I just said "Everybody". ^.^ ))

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Liked by: Garrosh Hellscream

Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?

Sky diving. Hey, how different can it be from jumping off a reanimated frostwyrm's back onto a detonation-activated goblin-made device?

What is your favorite flavor?

RakaelWhispers’s Profile PhotoRakael Towers
I have a soft spot for mint. Caramel is a nice taste, too, especially in those Winter Veil chocolates that always lie on the pillows of the inns in Silvermoon.
(( My personal favourite flavour is cherry, currently. Just the flavour; I can't stand actual cherries. ))

How do you relax at the end of the day?

Hot bath, mug of mint tea, candlelit bedroom, possibly a book. A massage is nice, too. Well, when I can get one.

If you could be any race, what would you be and why? Or would you rather stay as a Blood Elf? (Not that there's anything wrong with Blood Elves, I'm just really curious. :D)

I'd stay the way I am. A race change probably wouldn't change anything else about me. Plus, it's kind of cute being called "elfy" all the time.
(( Haha, I'm building a Blood Elf army! I only play Blood Elves at the moment, unless I get bored of raiding and switch to my low level Space Goat, although I'm using the 100 booster on a human Paladin soon, a class I know how to play. But my goal is to get every possible Blood Elf class to at least level 100 in the next 12 or so months! ))
Liked by: The Lich Kitty

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Does one really need the ability to talk to animals? Just because animals don't use words doesn't mean we can't communicate with them.
That said, I know most languages to a neccessary extent, so I probably would go for the ability to talk to animals.

What's your favorite thing about Blood Elves?

A wise historian was once able to show me a vision of my ancestral race. If my memory serves me correct, he saw that noble was our lineage, and that we possessed great power and all the burdens that came with it. Even with just the ghosts of my past, he saw that these burdens and suffering were apparent as to why we called ourself Blood Elves. He wasn't far off.
My favourite thing about our race?
Yes, we do pride ourselves on our nobility and power, but what I admire most is that we were able to rise from the ashes of a very cruel fate, a fate that Arthas left behind after he murdered my people and desecrated our Sunwell. While I wasn't conscious for these events (although, according to Karuna, I was alive) it leaves a hollowness in my heart to imagine how it must have been to be a simple family out in the garden, tending to their flowers, or teaching their children how to shoot an arrow. They were all slaughtered, torn to shreds, many raised to serve as Arthas's lackeys. King Anasterian, Dath'remar Sunstrider, Sylvanas Windrunner, over 90% of the Quel'dorei, gone. To rise from such a devastating event, rebuild our city, hold a new name of honour and courage for our people, is one of the many prides our people hold in their hearts.
There is also the matter of atonement. This story saddens me rather a lot, as when these events occured, I actually lived in Eversong Woods, shortly after Lydia died in Ashenvale. The story of how the Blood Knights, and the Paladins, came to be. Rommath carrying an enslaved Naa'ru to Silvermoon City, the first of the Blood Knights channeling the powers of the Light from it by force. From what I hear, and I haven't seen Liadrin for some time now, the matriarch had lost her faith in the holy Light after the fall of Quel'Thalas, questioning why she should have faith in something that could not protect her kingdom. Often the ways of a simple priestess; the Light is not a god, but a weapon. A shield. No good can come from it unless you thrust it towards your enemies or hold it against yourself and your home.
What truly intrigues me about this tale, tragic as it may be, is that Liadrin threw herself at A'dal's mercy, seeing that her actions were borderline unforgivable. She had finally opened her disillusioned eyes and saw that Kael'Thas had lead the Blood Elves down a dark and unthinkable path, betrayed them to the Burning Legion. She pledged herself to A'dal, and aided in Kil'jaeden's defeat. And when the renewal of the Sunwell by the spark of M'uru gave our people a new hope, and a new faith, she had to live with the knowledge that she had assisted in the corruption and death of a Naa'ru, and I have no doubt that she lives with it every single day of her life.
To atone for such a sin, I feel, is a true sign of pure, whole faith.
(( AOTA and I seriously love their /silly emotes. ))

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Liked by: The Lich Kitty

How is a strand of your hair white?

Karuna said it was related to the past she refuses to tell me about. I don't think I want to know, really. Maybe I'm a lot older than I seem.

How do you like your eggs?

Dragonhawk eggs are amazing at the worst of times. I could have those pretty much any way they're dealt, but I usually make them scrambled with a bit of ham or cheese. Or both.


Arrows. Tipped with scorpion ink. Embedded in your throat and permanently paralyzing your voicebox so that such a question may never be voiced to any breathing soul again.
Also, I know you're a goblin. I want my fucking money back.

What makes you pleasantly nostalgic? (i.e movie, soundtrack, book, smell, etc.)

ClareRoseMartin98’s Profile PhotoClarity Sunshield (Clare)
Whenever I go to Eversong Woods, I visit Sunstrider Isle and sit by that pond, some distance from the Shrine of Dath'remar. I only went there a few times as a child, but there's something about it that always reminds me that Eversong Woods is my home. I haven't visited Silvermoon since my birthday, actually. Perhaps I'm due a trip.

Which country do you most want to visit?

I'm travelling here and there. I think I'd like to see the Storm Peaks again, but I've been there before, so...maybe the Wetlands? Or Desolace? Just somewhere I haven't been before. I'd like to be able to say I've travelled the world.

What is the craziest thing you've done in public?

(( Involuntarily, panicked. I saw some older women shaking their heads at me on THAT day, obviously thinking I was making a scene for attention. I wish. ))

What advice would you have for a trainee RP'er?

(( My advice? If you can't get people to walk up to you, walk up to THEM. That's how I did it, anyway. Depends on if you're all for interactions; you'll jump onto an RP timeline and see several starters beckoning for your input. Just don't get swayed if a rude character snaps at you, since, well, some characters are intended to be rude.
That's another thing; distinguish well between in-character and out-of-character. A good RP'er will never leave their OOC prompts unmarked. They're highlighted with the letters OOC (sometimes hashtagged) or double brackets typically. ))


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