
Ask @DamienNXTLVL

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is it rude for a woman to put in her bio "not interested in dating, flirting, romance or anything similar, so don't even bother"?

No, in fact that's a turn on for me, it shows she has boundaries, morals of in a relationship what's rude is if she says that and turns around and does the complete opposite

Do you think it's easier to just start over or try to fix a fucked up relationship?

Neither one is easier than the other but I rather try to save the one I've invested time in already, knowing how they are and how to love them is easier, but then you have to be able to discipline yourself and be able to let go of the pains that were suffered. Especially when you a sure that that person is the one you want to be with for the rest of your life
Liked by: Destinnnn ✨

Language: English