
Danielle Lee

Ask @Danielle_deonna

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What if I gave you a back message and rubbed your feet? Then can I

I d k what a back message is but I know what I back MASSAGE is. Still never

Would you take a decent looking guy with a great personality over a fine dude with a terrible personality or vice versa?

Decent looking guy with great personality

Do you wanna have kids? If so how many and girls or boys?

Yes I wanna have kids and either 2 kids a boy and a girl or 3 kids 1 boy and 2 girls

What would you do if you saw a snake by you in the bed

Scream,run, and probably pass out as I start running

You an old lady lol it's time to TURn UP NIGGA

I know this already and no it's time to TURN DOWN and go to sleep


Language: English