
David Vanportfliet

Ask @DavidVanportfliet

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Say you dated somebody seriously for a couple years and it had pretty bad ending because of your fault. The other person moved on and became sexual with four people just a month or 2 after your split.. What is normal to feel? What do you do to understand in that situation?

You can't really say what is normal to feel for that situation because different people react differently, sometimes it's hard to understand, they could be sexual with other people just to be sexual active but not anything serious, dating someone for a couple years and then having it end can have a person do things you wouldn't normally think they would, they could be sleeping with other people because they don't trust relationships right now or they are hurt and frustrated it didn't work out with you, too many reasons to really know for sure but I hope everything works out for you

An ugIy guy told me I'm pretty. Does that mean I'm ugIy?

No it means someone your not attracted to finds you attractive

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Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time?

Could be, depends on the situation and if your really in love with both of them

Wish I had somebody that understood me fr 😖 am I the only 1 who feels this way ??

charlestaylor9’s Profile PhotoMaj-estic
You would be surprised how many people struggling with the same mind set, sometimes you just need someone to listen even if it's a stranger because you might find someone who has/is dealing with the same thing, good luck man

Why is the saying" nice guys finish last? "

Because too many take advantage of nice guys so they end up on top

What exactly do you want these days?

I don't really know, just doing my thing and enjoying life right now

So you do things without considering or caring about the consequences right?

Why would you assume that about me?

What advice would you give to children today?

Don't dwell on mistakes you make, you live, you learn, you keep moving forward


Language: English