Gimana sih rasanya ga pernah pacaran? Gua kl nggak pacaran kyk sepi gt :v
✨Free, happy, confused and lonely at the same time✨ I'm 17. I am still young so i wouldn't worry about it too much. Someone said "Love will come to you at the right time and will grab you so tightly that all your loneliness will vanish." Yaa gimana ya.. Menurut ogut,it's better to be 'single' than with 'a wrong person'(My subjective opinion)
Happy Eid✨ تَقَبَّلَ اللَّهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ كُلُّ عاَمٍ وَأَنْتُمْ بِخَيْر Aamiin.. How much eidi did u get bestie? hahaha*Im sorry it's late but better than never xixi
Lemme describe …•She is a girl. A daughter and an older sister.• Sometimes she feels like an alien who is lonely and depressed.• She is quite introverted with people. But she can be loud and boisterous with people she already knows well ( talks too much 🤫).If she doesn't like that person, I mean if she is not comfortable with them, she'll be quiet. • She prefers simplicity more than stylish looks.• She's a good listener and caring. She tries to connect with people heart to heart.• SHE IS A FOOD LOVER 🌯Many more and I don't want to mention here. Dude, She is a thick book.