
Fifty Shades of Decu

Ask @Deculture

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How does it feel having 15ish people wanting to play in your magical realm so much they wanted to be a part of it?

It feels great, hahaha! It's the best feel!

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Agree or disagree: A friend to all is a friend to none.

How does that even work? I disagree! Surely you can't please everyone but to say you can't be a friend to people because you look out for everyone seems off!

Is there such a thing as an anime elitist? And as a side question, what anime or manga would you say best define your childhood?

There are definitely those! As for defining anime, I'd have to go with Dragon Ball.
Liked by: Dimunsis

When an Exercise means [so and so ] 12 x 2 , what does it mean?

Two sets with twelve repetitions (reps) for each set!

Do you still have all the imgur links to your previous drawthreads/drawstreams on hand?

I do believe so! Or do you want me to release an archive of everything I've drawn up to this point barring the past archives I've already uploaded?
Liked by: Evil Steve

The moon's gravity is around 1/6th that of Earth's. According to my calculations, on Earth your lifts are 25 lb benchpress, 66 lb squat, and 33 lb deadlift.

That sounds a bit too light!

Decu, what're your lifting stats? Post yer four lifts!

Ah, wah! Let's see, ah, 150 lb benchpress, 400 lb squat, 200 lb deadlift...I don't know the fourth!!!

>Give me your worst!// Draw-fagging, delays, gains, being at my goal of writing skill and deep throating Dan.

Thank you!
Liked by: Dan Kim

Could you tell us the metods and some examples of how Nicole and Malal pre-contract defeated sparklies? It's something that I always wanted to know, considering how difficult it has to be for a normal

Cheating. Shaped charges. Getting crazy good with a gun and basically anything to smack a Soul Gem to dust with. Taking advantage of the fact that Magical Girls are still girls - just a lot of mean things that Nicole or Malal are particularly proud about, but they had to do them to survive.
Malal also had a really strong intuition that bordered on precognition even when she wasn't contracted. It gave her nightmares and migraines constantly if she abused it.

>Which 2 MGNQ girls would Pilot the Gunbuster? | Chiaki and Kyoko || Hey Decu, how do we commission you again?

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