
M. Beatriz García

Who do you like best RN: your Mom or Dad?

Mom! Only because I grew up with her and talk to her often vs Dad I talk to once a year on the phone and only knew he was my dad at 14, haha ^^; (I still like him, though!)

Latest answers from M. Beatriz García

What is your least favorite aspect of making art/writing?

RE-ANSWERING THIS (I didn't read 'least' in there, haha :'D)
I love my sketches, but when I ink, all my anatomy and details mistakes just glare at me as if saying "you're half-assing this, you have no patience", "your hand steadyness sucks" and "you're bad at this, you should quit, you'll never be good enough".
That and trying to to draw an scene I have way too clear in my head... I never manage to get it quite right and it's frustrating (even more when it's a commission I've been painted a very specifi image of in tby the client X_x;) . My brain-to-page printer mechanism sucks :'D

What is your least favorite aspect of making art/writing?

Picturing the scene I want to draw in my head and trying to put it on the page(screen), and looking at it later and thing "wow, this actually looks good! :'D "
And when other people see my art and it makes them... feel things. Smile, go "aww", think "oh, this is pretty!" and inspire them to draw their own things, or maybe just save them to their personal folder of pretty art (or reblog on tumblr)... it makes me extremely happy ;_; To be able to make other people feel what I feel towards other people's arts is just amazing.

Name your three biggest weaknesses!

Besides my mental illnesses (Anxiety and Cyclothymia, yay!) , I am a horribly unpunctual individual, I have a terrible time self-managing my time and being on top of my schedule, and my physical condition regarding physical activity is pretty sad x'D

What was the last gift you gave someone?

A handmade alfajor I made with bf and friends! :D
Gave one to one of my neighbour friends that came today and gave two to another that came last night ^^

Do you ever dream of winning a lottery? What would you do with your millions?

I'd buy an apartment or a house, a nice car, I'd pay off my mom's debts and get us both on a cruise to the Mediterranean, buy some crap, fund some games, travel with my bf and my gf a lot <3

Would you say your parents are overprotective?

I'd say my late granny the overprotective one rather than my mom, growing up.
My mom has a more hands-off approach, sprinkled with a healthy (NOT) dose of "Doom shall be upon you if you do/fail at this, so be sure you don't do/fail at this."
She strongly believes in scaring people into doing the right thing/doing things right 9_9;
As soon as I started college she decided I was adult enough to do things by myself and mocked e for being scared of taking a cab, while the previous years it was all dangerous and scary. So... meh.

Do you judge people quickly?

I do.
I try my hardest not to and try to correct such behaviour when I spot it, since I'm aware it's not a good thing >>;

Burgers with pickles or onions or both?

Both >w<
I hated pickles as a kid and refused to eat anything with them (I was a really picky eater, now I'm just moderately picky :'D )... until I re-tried the in Dallas a couple years ago and loved them, haha

Does your name have a meaning? What is it?

If it's about my actual name... Beatriz (my 2nd name and the one I actually use daily) means 'brings joy' and in other languages also means 'she who brings others happiness'.
I try to live up to that :)
My first name is María, which nobody knows for certain what it means originally, though probably "beloved" or "love", if you consider the Egyptian origin.
As for my screen-name, Deji comes from Dejiko (As in DiGi Charat's Dejiko) which, afaik, comes from "dejitaru" (Digital) and "ko" (child), hence "digital child".
The "Nyucu" part of my nickname is a random made up word xD

Language: English