

Ask @Dessymils

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Apa yang kalian lakukan ketika ketemu mantan ditempat makan? Saat itu kalian lagi makan ditempat yang sama.

Lanjut makan.

Kak, bener nggak kalau perempuan harus percaya diri? Menurut kakak perempuan cantik tanpa riasan wajah kan? Aku mau dong liat kakak tanpa makeup.... ada fotonya kak?

Betul. Semuanya cantik mau pake make up ataupun ngga. Senyamannya aja sis~

Bagaimana kamu menghadapi komentar negatif?

Kalo komentarnya benar, dengar dan terima sebagai masukan untuk improve kedepannya.
Tapi kalo itu cuma haters ga jelas aja, ga usah didengerin, masih banyak hal yg harus kita pikirin di dunia ini dan jauh lebih penting 😁
Yang tau tentang diri kita itu hanya kita, orang terdekat dan Tuhan. Jd omongan negatif mereka itu blm tentu benar.

Happy new year 🎉🎉 apa harapanmu pada tahun 2020 ini?

Halo :) harapannya semoga cepat membaik ya 2020 dan kita bisa bahagia lagi

Jujur aja gue juga emg org yg termasuk benci sm sebagian sifat lo, tp yaa gitulah manusia kan, gamungkin semua sifatnya 100% baik juga. Dan org2 yg menghujat2 dessy di sosmed itu immature bgt, gaboong. Jgn diambil hati ya :) You're not perfectly nice, but I know you have a good side inside you :)

Thanks :)

tau gak sih sebenernya orang sekeliling lo tuh gak bener-bener suka dan baik sama lo, mereka tuh kesel banget yaa tapi mereka milih diem aja males ribut sama lo :)

Mereka yg ga suka kok lo yg ribet? Hehehe bagus lah mereka diem.. Dari pd ngomong di ask.fm anonim kaya chicken gini 😆 dan bikin sakit hati orang yg baca. Inget habluminallah bisa minta maaf ke Allah, tapi habluminannas?

Kak lo tau gk sih org bnyk yg gk suka sm kelakuan lo? Fake gitu, udh terkenal kok di kampus bnyk yg sebel sm lo. Tapi lo batu aja gk nyadar2. Haha. So funny.

I wasn’t that famous back in university, and didn’t have that many friends, apalagi deket ama junior? Jd u definitely don’t know me, dudes. Lagian kalo ada yg ga suka ya biarin aja lah, namanya jg manusia ga mungkin semua orang suka kan? Nabi aja banyak yg benci..
Yang penting i always try to be nice to other ppl, do anything right, respect ppl, and improve to be better person. And i don’t care abt ur perspective or judgement bcs this is my life and u don’t get any part of it hehehe u don’t pay for my bills atau bikin gue sukses kaya skrg kan? :)
Btw gmn si caranya fake? Kalo gue jago kayanya gue dah menang semua pageant yg gue ikutin kali hahaha

des. diajak tuh temen2nya. pada pengen kenal taruna juga. kasian pada sirik kayak gitu des. btw, pada doyan bgt ya ngurusin idup lu. seneng bgt des jadi u, yg peduli hidup lu banyak. w juga kepengen des

Wkwk see this my friend tried to cheer me up but i didn’t answer the question either bcs didn’t want things to be worst, yet i literally didn’t care at all omg i got a lot of things to take care about, life to be built, future to be catch. Ain’t no time for shit like this.

Kan kamu udh terkenal jd giliran para taruna. Ups. Jgn suka ganggu pacar orang ya dess

Got many single guys approached me, and why would i care abt those with gf? Lol pity this girl couldn’t get any attention from guy she always wanted..
Don’t get jealous dude, i wasn’t that crazy with those taruna. It’s just my 1st ex bf from high school turned out to be taruna - guess i was just lucky (tho it’s not smt special for me) and i became familiar with that kind of life and all. Got to know some of his taruna friends too, and after we broke up, they were the one who approach me. I’m sorry if the bees love to gather on the honey. If i was that crazy, gue dah gonta ganti pacar tiap bulan kali.
I didn’t even care abt those things. Makanya waktunya kuliah and kerja, do it right. Develop urself, gain knowledge and money as much as u can. Jangan fokusnya cowo doang bebss

lo dtg ke pestar kor AU krn mau liat andromeda kan? dia udh punya cwe. apa adam? bujal? udh pd punya cwe semua. gila kali lo ya gitar abis skrg incer denis ya lo? cantikan sasha mantanya drpd lo!

So just now i got this thought about my ask.fm account and tempted to sign-in. When i checked on the question lists, i guess i made a right decision about a year ago to delete the app - yes, there are many toxicity came from immature ppl.
A lot of ppl use social media to stalk, bully or judge other ppl. They said the mean words without doubt with the anonymous feature - they just can’t do it with their name being exposed. They don’t want ppl see that they’re the true mess and how all the words were reflecting their true colours. Ppl really care about their ‘good’ reputation, but instead of being a real good person, they turned other ppl down by hating, bullying and judging ‘Anonymously’. They might have too much free time to take care about other ppl weakness and problem. Lol their life must be ain’t fun.
I used to ignore all these kind of questions, i never want to entertain them by answering each questions bcs that’s all they always wanted. To corner me and drag me down - and they’ll never stop. I never posted the questions didn’t want my feeds to see it yet judge me as a bad person. I worry too much about how ppl would think abt me or being judged. But now, i’m no longer that person. Now i’ll embrace it all bcs i know i didn’t do any harm, and i’m proud to be who i am.
And i won’t do any harm still. Karma does exist, I have seen it comes so many times. I’ll let it take care of them. So be careful, dudes.

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