
Devia Indah Purnama

Ask @Deviaip

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Kalau dikasih kesempatan buat memperbaiki suatu hal, kamu memilih hal apa saja?

Untuk memperbaiki kesalahan kejadian waktu dibandara bulan agustus kmren🙂

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chat sama pacar setiap hari penting ga sih?

Paling engga ada kabar setiap harinya
Yg ga perlu itu harus ada tiap ‘detik’.

Pantaskah kita bertahan pcran sama cowo yg minum2an keras/yg memabukkan?

If he has intention for trying to stop doing that such bad things it’ll be worth it to still holding on.

Kalau misalnya seseorang dari kota yg berbeda nyatain perasaannya ke kita, bakalan nerima gak? Klo nolak wajar lah ya. Tp klo nerima knp? bakalansanggupldr?

If it’s someone we know well and we love i think i would accept him. Hmm bcs for me LDR not to really matters, so it’s gonna be fine.
Liked by: ig : @frdoktarinaa

Kalau telapak tangan sering keluar keringat itu tanda penyakit apa ??

Mm.. someone once told me that was only reaction in your body that reproduces excessive sweat. There’s nothing you need to worry about but if ur palm condition becomes worse, you shud going to doctor to prevent something bad that you do not want to deal. It’s good for you then.

How to know if you are a good person?

If anyone doing something good for me😊 I do believe with statement claimed that “as long as you are good to everyone then you’ll also getting back something well treated ( you can called it as a good thing )” bcs everyone whatever you do right now probably come back to u too one day😊
So.. maybe through this way i could knew i’ve already being a good person to everyone.

lebih sakit diduain atau sesak boker tapi tai nya keras banget?

Dicky_Prattama’s Profile PhotoDiky_prattama
What kind of question is this ?! That variables you already have to offer, are not equivalent at all:(

hii mau tanya popcorntime itu subtitle nya gabisa diubah ke english ya? atau emg dari filmnya?

Bisaa😊 but it depends on a movie that u choose! Providing english subtitle or nothing.
Liked by: ig : @frdoktarinaa

halooo^^ aku liat ask kamu ke kak nadhirra yang tentang popcorntime, terus aku coba dan ternyata popcorntime sangat rekomendasi kita buat pake vpn walaupun tanpa vpn bisa nonton jg kan ya, trs aku mau nanya, kamu pake vpn gak? terimakasi^^

iya.. without using vpn u still can watch it kok😁. aku gak pakee hhe

Who is the craziest person you know?

There's nothing craziest person all around me. Everyone just trying to look insane.


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