
Nick Night

Ask @Dichotomy217

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does your mind every be empty to the point you feel empty inside. Like no thought

I don't know. I'm pretty sure those two sentences achieved the effect you're alluding to.

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In your opinion: What’s a big indicator that people dislike you?

When they form secret groups because they'd rather not have the displeasure individually.
Liked by: cldx

If you knew of knowledge or ways to help others would you or would you keep it for you?

I would slow drip the knowledge in relation to my compensation.

If someone greets people “good morning” as they pass by their office when we clock in at work but walks by my office without saying anything (greeting the office next to me) am I supposed to assume this person has an issue with me?

You're talking about two separate activities. This person was in their office and seated. When they opted to move, they could have decided that the time for pleasantries has ended and the time for action has begun.

Karma is REAL. The SAME way you made somebody feel...it’ll come BACK on you. Maybe 10 times HARDER. Better be careful what you do to people. Ain’t no fun when it’s YOU❗️

No, it isn't. Many mass murderers or serial rapists or terrorists live self indulgent lives only to kill themselves just before having to answer to so society.
I think fairness is something that has to be consciously fought for, not some nebulous sense of how you wish things were.

Am I wrong for having a problem with my fiancé for always raising his voice at me and taking his anger out on me after telling him numerous times I don’t like that shit?? He about to get this fucking ring back because I’m tired, not happy and tired of his temper tantrums.

That likely won't change. The issue is not the degree or intensity of his anger--were it not directed at you, and controlled, you would likely admire the furiously as an admirable trait. The real issue is that he has accepted that you can be a possible outlet for aggression. That distinction must be made.

Do you believe in unconditional love?

No, conditions are always required. Portions of your brain can be removed and you'll cease to function in the same way. Though you'd still technically be alive, you'd lack the capacity you once had.
Liked by: Ria Gabrielle

You ever piss you’re pants to get out of a chicken meeting?

Lord, yes. Last chicken meeting we had was a bloodbath. We specifically stipulated races, obstacle cources and beauty pageants. But this random guy brings 'Bojangle's Butcher' from the 3 teir claw circuit. That's not a rooster, that modded up thing is practically like a Cyberpunk 2077 character. After that, it was all unmitigated bloodshed, flurries of feathers and the tearful cries of children.


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