
Matthew + Morgan

Ask @DistantGalaxies

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Share something you're grateful for today.

I'm grateful for Matthew today!
I'm grateful for the amount of cum that came out when I ejaculated, today.

Have you ever pushed the emergency brake button aboard public transport?

No, but I pushed the emergency brake button aboard a public tranny.
-MK + ML-

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

The average salary of a prostitute.
-MK + ML-

If you had $5 left in your pocket what would you spend it on?

A quick blowjob in the back of my local teriyaki hut.

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

The past... boy I loved that hot cum shot.

Do you judge people based on their knowledge of grammar?

Yes. But trying to type with your hand filled with cum is kinda hard. So mistakes are made, and lessons learned.

What's something that can always make you feel better?

A nice hot cum shot in the afternoon of a cold winter.
-MK + ML-

What talent would you like to have?

Breathing. Actually I wish so badly that I could bend all my joints and be a fucking squid.


Language: English