

Do you have any big nostalgia tv-shows/books/movies/etc? Have you re-watched/read/etc any of them and do they hold up?

Yeah, I have a few:
The Guyver - I used to love this anime as a kid, and I rewatched it a few months ago. It was so bad. I think the idea of a biosuit probably sounded so cool to me as a kid I didn't care about the rest.
Johnny Dangerously - This used to be on Comedy Central a lot when i was younger, and one day I ended up getting the DVD because I loved it so much. This movie really requires you to be in the right mood for its humor, and when you are it's cheesy, but that's part of its charm. Hit & miss when shown to friends though.
Kids in the Hall - I used to watch this a lot, and rewatching it I never really realized how progressive this was. Sometimes the humor can be a bit outdated, but this is probably the best of the bunch. Kids in the Hall is just a great sketch show, and I whole-heartedly recommend it to anyone who has never seen it.
Godzilla - When I was a kid, I really liked Godzilla, so naturally I ended up with a few of the movies here and there, all on VHS. Note that when I am discussing these, I am talking about Showa era (1954-1975) and none others. I got to watch some of these again, and although they are super campy, and the effects aren't great, I feel they hold up pretty well and I do legitimately enjoy watching them.
There are definitely more if I drudge up memories, but those are the first ones the come to mind,

Latest answers from Drawnonward

As a professional streamsman, what is your opinion on global warming?

I think that it's an important issue, but not something I'm well-enough versed in to say much more than that.

Do you have any pets? If not, why not? What would they be if you did?

I have no pets. I used to, but nature took its course and they are gone. Currently I have no pets due to financial responsibilities taking priority over wanting a pet.
I'd want a cat, because they're fun to play with, but don't require a ton of attention.

Have you ever considered streaming topless in order to widen your viewer base?

I definitely have, but I don't think there's a wide demographic for it. Am I wrong?

If you try to take out a life insurance policy, is it really expensive once you tell them how often you like to Bug?

Yeah, I try not to mention that part about myself. I tend to tell them I prefer flirting and fingerprinting- Safer missions that are more covert.
It rarely works once they realize my name is spelled the same way backwards as it is forward.

If you had to marry one game that ISN'T SpyParty or MTG, what would it be and why?

Stratego. It's a relatively easy game to learn but it can be quite fun to try and trick your opponents, and there quite a few different house rules to keep it more than just the initial game. I would pick a more complex game, but often those don't end at all or are too tough in the whole 'finding-players' department.

what do you think about this app chatous

I know nothing of an app called chatous. Care to elaborate/link me?

Whatever happened to you and Caley and Tobo and whoever else making a unified stream channel for CONTINUOUS OPERATION? I was looking forward to that.

That was a one-off idea I had because of how well Caley and my scheduled sync up. We could do something like that, bu it would compromise a lot of what we already have, and be hard to do for anything more than a single event.
Could it happen? Sure, I suppose.
Will it happen? Probably not, for a variety of reasons.

Do you REALLY like spies and parties? I think you are faking.

Okay, I like parties, but I am unsure if I've ever met a Spy, so that one's hard to say. But I definitely like parties.

Would you say you're an introvert, or an extrovert?

I am 100% an extrovert. I love interacting and learning about people - friends, family, strangers. I have moments where I just want a moment's piece to recollect my thoughts, but overall I enjoy being in the company of people as often as possible.

Language: English