

Ask @Eclypse1219

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Necklace or ring?

If I had to choose I'll go with ring because I'm a ring kind of dude I have a lot of rings and I wear too everyday never take them off unless I need to for work or something. But I also like necklaces and I wear a necklace everyday as well it's just a chain but when my cross finally comes I will wear my cross again 🤷🏼‍♂️
Ugh I hate questions like this because I don't want to have to choose 😂😂

Do you like living alone or with someone??

Grac3fulBella86’s Profile PhotoJaiBella
Honestly I'm not sure because I've only ever lived with my mother or my girlfriend for 5 months but I moved back in with my mother because I couldn't stand the bitch 🤷🏼‍♂️😂
So to be honest I don't know if I'd like living alone or not although I hope I get the chance to at least find out Monday soon because I'm this close to moving back in with my ex-girlfriend LMFAO😭😂😂🥲

A lot of girls eat their bf’s ass I’m scared to date a new chick these days 🤢🤮

A lot of pics suck their boyfriends dick as well so it's really just a matter of are you willing to be with a bitch that has fucked sucked and licked another guy's dick balls and ass or are you going to just stay alone forever because you'll probably aren't going to find a virgin nowadays

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Would you ever block a close friend when they needed you?

Depends on how close they are and what they needed me for 🤷🏼‍♂️
But short answer, no not under 99% of circumstances

Are you scared of anyone?

Myself. My brain just comes up with the most fucked up things out of the blue and that is terrifying

In class today, my friend Sofia was doing a presentation and she has bad anxiety, she um had a accident and it was dripping down her leg. Don’t wanna be friends with her no more don’t want to be bullied. Am I rude?

No you're not being rude you're being a fucking coward and a shitty friend. Man man I'm the type of friend that if I know my friend has terrible anxiety the moment I see them accidentally go I'm going to draw the attention away and make sure they're able to get that taken care of I'm not going to not be friends I'm not going to sit here and judge you but it is plain simply being a coward for that

Why is it that when i pass by.. a dude always gotta look at my b00ty? And sometimes they even get B0ners?

Well is your booty really that nice to look at? If so I'd feel complimented

Do you consider yourself a fun person?

I don't just consider myself a fun person other people consider me a fun person as well

Have you ever liked someone you met online?

I fell in love with someone I met online. Until the day I die I will remember her as my first love and the one I gave up cuz she was fucking perfect I mean you spent two and a half fucking years together she was real and our relationship and love was real

Are you a giver?

Yes and I am overly generous. My answer works for both meanings of this question by the way

How many relationships have you had?

Well I'm going to go ahead and say that anything under a week doesn't count and in that case maybe three or four relationships total then 😂😂

Do you know anybody rich ?

Possibly I know wealthy people but like I know my mother knows like 20 rich people or some shit

Would you date anyone from here?

If they were my type and we're into it too. You never know who's on the other side of these screens

are you apart of the LGBTQ+? 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Well I'm bisexual but am I a part of the community? Fuck no

My teenage daughter has been bugging me about getting a therapist for 3 years, how do I get her to stop asking? Should I take her phone away?

A therapist for you or a therapist for her?


Language: English