

Ask @EdAwfully

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Is there anything so precious to you that you'd risk your life for it?

For the lives and peace of others, I think.

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Do you prefer Instagram or Facebook?

"Hitler or Stalin", please none of them, thank you very much.

Have you read any Jules Verne? What do you think of his works?

No, they look like decent time wasters tho.

What would be the best studio + director to handle an Oyasumi Punpun adaption?

Since some say they'd bastardized it, I chose SHAFT, as for director I dunno.

Who do you think is the best-developed anime character in regards to personality, and what do you think is the best anime fight scene ever?

Me. Also some involving ne.

What are you most known for?

Being lazy and self-centered, also by being extremely fragile in the emotinal sense.

If you had to choose, would you go to the Light or the Dark side?

I like to tell myself I'm a decent person, always looking for my happiness and possibly of others too, so definitely the Light side.

Do you embrace or fear change?

I dread at the idea of changing, I'm a man of habits, disrupt them and I would have a really hard time readjusting.

Have you played any of the Mother/Earthbound games?

I, unfortunately, haven't played any of them yet. From what I've heard there's a big chance that I like 'em, so it's a shame. I do plan to check them out, eventually.

What qualities do you value the most in your friends?

Empathy, understanding others is the thing I value the most.

Out of all the anime that you've seen, what would you say is your favorite "episodic episode"?

Mushishi: Zoku Shou, episode 5: Mirror Lake
A truly powerful and poignant message.

Who is your favorite fictional character?

Sometimes I have my doubts about it, but the answer that usually pops up in my head is:
Who is your favorite fictional character

Real answer to the best fight scene thingy:

I'm not much of an action guy, so I don't think you should be asking me, buuuuuuuuut if there's one fight scene I could repeatedly play until the end of the world it surely is this one:
https://youtu.be/tVi_fs2oz3EEdAwfully’s Video 132769926808 tVi_fs2oz3EEdAwfully’s Video 132769926808 tVi_fs2oz3E
And don't even ask me why, since I don't know the answer myself.


Language: English