
Eduardo Ortega

Latest answers from Eduardo Ortega

¿Significa algo tu nombre? Si es así, ¿qué significa?

El nombre Eduardo tiene su origen en el nombre germánico Eadweard, que proviene de dos palabras: hord, que significa riqueza, y weard, que significa guardián. Es decir, el nombre Eduardo significa “el guardián de la riqueza". 👻

You have been given the opportunity to create a half hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what’s the premise?

westol72’s Profile PhotoටӀӀìҽ
the premise would be to present UFO videos and the name would be we are not alone 👽

Do you believe in ghosts? No? Neither do I. But I still don't know how I came back.

if i believe in ghosts i could see one in a nursing home that was abandoned many years ago 😧
Do you believe in ghosts No Neither do I But I still dont know how I came back

Are you kind enough to ask me a couple of questions? Thank you.

Si pudieras viajar en el tiempo
¿viajarías al pasado o al futuro?

Language: English