
Erin Wolf

Ask @ErinWolf4919

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Who are you most thankful for?

As bad as it sounds, I'm not really?
I hate these things about "most" or "favorite" or "best".
That's just not how I do things.
I'm thankful for my friends who have helped me in these trying times.
I am thankful for my teachers who've supported me and listened when I struggled.
I am thankful to my supervisor who stood by me and had my back when things got rough.
I am thankful for many people and many things, but there isn't anything or anyone that i am "most" thankful for.
Maybe someday I will have someone like that, but for now, no.
Who are you most thankful for
Liked by: spuʎ˥

Update from the girl with the question about to tell the dude that flew out here for me I’m not interested in him or to wait. I decided to wait, and I have found out exactly why I’m not into him anymore. He’s a complete asshole in person and my mind must have knew that before I did.

Well it's unfortunate that he turned out that way, but I am glad you recognized why the alarm bells in your head were going off.
I do wish you the best of luck in your future relationships! ^.^
Update from the girl with the question about to tell the dude that flew out here

A written account would be nice. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

(ambiance for the story: https://youtu.be/Q86OWDz8uOIErinWolf4919’s Video 145921454503 Q86OWDz8uOIErinWolf4919’s Video 145921454503 Q86OWDz8uOI )
Many years ago, there was a brave adventurer. He and his friends were neither renowned nor unknown. Tales of their exploits had slowly spread around them. People began to look twice when he and his group passed by, commenting in hushed whispers, "Where do you think they're going today?" or "What will they do this time?".
The young adventurer was the leader of his little band of explorers. Each had their own area of expertise. Nicholas always had a few knives, ropes, and matches on him as well as being the group's hunter and tracker. Eddie was young but he and Samuel's interest in ornithology made them both the bird experts of the group. Melody, Sarah, Allie, and Lyra were all hard workers, with Lyra being an expert in all things amphibian.
Their leader, Erin, was trained in first aid and always had a gadget or two handy from knives to tools and flashlights too as well as a medical kit in his pack.
Erin's passion and enthusiasm for exploring the world was what brought this little group together. His charisma and energy drove them to seek more out of every experience.
On this day in particular, the gang happened to be standing a mile in the sky. Yes, a mile high. The bridge they stood upon swung gently in the mountain air and mist blew through the gaps between the rails. The sun was at their side and it cast a shadow of Erin and his troop onto the mountainside, leaving a larger than life image of the adventurers as they continued their climb to the top.
These adventurers had grappled with snakes, tracked down bears, sank waist-deep into swamps, crashed through bramble-filled bushes, and even took their meals together in the midst of a winter storm, their fingers freezing as they pieced together their sandwiches by hand.
As time went on, their fame grew, and soon people they did not know would come up to them inquiring as to whether or not they were part of "that" group.
From hiking in the black of night with naught but the light of the overhead lighting to guide them to the highest mountain peaks to the rough and winding white water rapids, Erin and his crew grew bolder, stronger, and more daring. Their quest for knowledge, genuine camaraderie, and a deep
appreciation of the natural world around them built bonds of friendship that they would not soon forget.
This photo was taken from that bridge, a mile high in the sky, as Erin and his friends set out on one of their many adventurers together, oh so many years ago.
One may wonder what became of that band of adventurers from those days...but that, my friends, is a story for another time!

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A written account would be nice Whatever makes you feel most comfortable

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What's one thing you really need to do but are pushing off till later?

Talk to my dad about my health as well as my therapist about getting a letter for school.
Oh, and my PPD test >.>
But i just want to sleep.
Whats one thing you really need to do but are pushing off till later

Are you a likable or lovable person?

I am what i am.
I can be rude, and arrogant, and desparate. I can be a know it all, a brat, and a petulent person.
I have many less than desirable traits.
I suppose....it is up to each person to decide if they like or dislike me, love or hate me...
Ultimately they choose what to think of me.
And one will only ever learn who i really am by spending quality time with me.
Words on a screen will only ever say so much.
I am a man of many faces and layers.
Which do you see?
Am i the hero or a villain-to-be?

How do you feel about net neutrality being repealed? If you want, feel free to elaborate about the chance that is left.

Pissed me off but I wasn't really expecting anyone to listen to our voices.
It isn't about what we want anymore.
It's about what big money wants.
We can still hound Congress in hopes that the do not pass it...but even then, it may be much of the same.
But we cannot allow inaction to defeat us, even if things do seem impossible or hopeless.
It is better to fight for what we want, even when it may seem futile.
Just don't fight needlessly or pointlessly.
This fight is both needed and necessary.

Would you mind narrating an fond, unforgettable moment spent with a member of your family?

Do you mean in a voice/video clip or just write it down?

Are you proud of who you are right now? \\

I honestly am not sure.
I am amazed that, despite everything that happened, I am not trying to throw myself out the nearest high-rise window or play chicken on the nearby rail line with the next cargo train, ya know?
Also, life's just been...really, really weird the last few days...
I suddenly found a place that kind of felt like home...and two people that feel more like family than friends.
Maybe i'm just crazy.
Maybe i've really gone and lost it and after losing everything all over again, i'm just so empty that it's not even hitting me like it used to...
I really don't know.
Should I be proud of all that happened? How does one reconcile the dichotomy of all that occurred over the last few months?
I should be proud for being strong or something, right? But is this what I'm meant to be doing? Is this what being strong is?
I'm not really sure.
I am honestly very, very confused right now about who I am and what I am actually doing with my life.

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Am voting yes because I'm bias does it count?

Is that you, Satan? XD
Either way, doesn't matter if you're biased or not. The vote still counts :P

Do you believe that rude people should be hugged until they are nice?

Dont touch people who dont want to be touched.
Assault charges arent fun xD

Do you ever get flowers from others?

lnr87’s Profile Photospuʎ˥
I don't think I have ever gotten flowers from anyone, to be quite honest.
I don't really interact with many people, and those that I do are not likely to engage in anything of that sort with someone of my...er, caliber, i guess.
I'm just not the kind of person anyone looks twice at or considers buying flowers for XD
Whatcha gonna do? Such is life.
Liked by: spuʎ˥ باسل

Would you mind explaining why you ranked the virtues as such?

So for the virtues:
I value wisdom because one needs not intelligence to be wise, but wisdom can affect all you encounter. It is the key to living a happy life, I think. Wisdom can, in fact, lead to happiness and fulfillment.
Justice. I picked this next because I see myself as a proponent of just reactions. That is why I tell others that what you show me is what you get back, after a fashion. If choose to be rude, insensitive, and asshole-ish, don't expect me to cozy up to you and sing your praises. If you respect me, are polite, and courteous, that is what you will see in return.
Courage. I find courage admirable and I do my best to respect those who find the courage to come to me seeking honest help with problems that scare or make them uncomfortable asking others. I seek courage in my own life as well; the courage to face my problems, my life, my fears, and my dreams.
Self-restraint is lowest on the scale for me because I guess I struggle with self-restraint but not in the conventional sense? I restrain myself in regards to my feelings, my needs, my wants, and how open I am with others. Yes, I have the usual struggles, but that's not what made me rank this the way I did.

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Liked by: Arthur

What does it mean to be a human being?

So @SenpaiSatan and I agree that the only "hard" definition of a human being is the literal genetic one.
Beyond that, you cannot lump people into categories of things that make someone "human".
Those are social constructs, and as such, they are subject to interpretation, alteration, and reformation on a regular basis.
Liked by: Arthur spuʎ˥

On a scale of 1-10, how responsible are you? Why do you say that?

Depends on the situation, but @SenpaiSatan says i average about a 6/10 (1 being lowest and 10 being highest on the scale of responsibility).
Liked by: Arthur

What kind of compliments do you get frequently?

Well, it's usually one of two extremes...
I am either "interesting, intelligent, and caring" OR I am a "Gay faggot" that "nobody likes, because [I am] a pretentious, arrogant fuck"...
Or so I am told.
Essentially, people either love or hate me for my convictions. There is very little in between, I guess.
What kind of compliments do you get frequently
Liked by: Arthur Faraz


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