
Ethan Moore

Ask @EthanMoore69

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What are your bad habits?

Drink way to much soda than I should, rely too much on coffee, procrastinate too much, sometimes have no control in my life, worry to much on how person accept me and my sexuality, but I am a flawless human being ;)
Liked by: Emily

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

-82 about 97% and 3% it's like a 99999999999 billion billion

If you could be half man half animal, which animal would you choose?

Half horse, from like torso down, imma Sagitarius so it seems to be.

How do you like to start your morning?

From the moment I wake up to the moment I'm at school, I'm a soulless human being. Soooooo idk

What do you love the smell of?

New car, gasoline, paint (like for your house walls), berries, basil, car exhaust (but the good kind), leather, saw dust, new shoes, and lemons.

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

It's perspective and how you look and perceive it. I personally enjoy life.

What is the purpose of life?

42. If you've seen Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie, then you know what I'm talking about. :P ;)


Language: English