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Latest answers from S̊⫶o̊⫶r̊⫶e̊⫶l̊⫶l̊⫶

|Um..Do you have anything sweet? Like honey or jam? I'm not huge into tomatoes..| *lol*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*She is so cute XD but honey and jam with french fries sounds like a food crime* |I think we might have some honey! Since our Swap Uncle likes it, let me go see| *Sorell then looks over the party table they have set up and spots a couple bottles of honey, he grabs one and heads back to Neo, handing it to her, surprisingly he isn't stuttering at all around Neo, maybe because he sees her the same as Shino and Geha*

|I'm not from around here.. I'm an alien. Only my species and ones related can understand our speech..Id like to try it!|

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
|Maybe there's some aliens around here then, maybe I'm one too, you could be on a whole new alien planet| *Sorell was only joking with her but with his eyes constantly covered, it was hard to tell xD he then picks the smol back up and heads towards their kitchen with her* |Let's get you some fries then! I bet you'll like them! If Goth didn't use them all for the Christmas party..| *he sets her down at their kitchen table and searches through their fridge* |...I think we might of cooked them all.. I don't think anyone will mind if we grab a couple to eat early though!| *he then heads off to grab some already cooked fries and brings then back to Neo* |Do you want any ketchup or anything with them?|

|What are fries?| *She tilts her head confused* |The other guys here can't understand me I'm glad you can!|

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
|You never had fries? I've never eaten them eitherbut I know my mom likes them! They're made out of potatoes I think.. I think that's what my mom told me.. they aren't too hard to make! If you want to try some!| *Sorell then pats her on the head again* |I bet I'm not the only one who can understand you, you just haven't ran into anyone that speaks the same way you do yet!|

|You can understand me?| *She seems surprised* |I um.. Would like something more filling but I can't eat any meat related just a warning..!|

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
|Oh! Don't worry! I can! I just didn't know you spoke another language!| *Sorell figured it was best not to explain to someone Shino sized--well maybe a bit smaller than Shino*
|That goes right through skeletons like me, so you don't have to worry! We won't have anything with meat in it if you don't like it! Do you like fries? Or spaghetti?| *he gives her a smile*

|Yes please! I'm so hungry!|*she continues to chirp and squeak taking the piece he offered her.She takes a bite out of its tail wagging* |This is so good!|

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
*Sorell might shock the smol when after he hears her chirps and squaks a bit more, he starts chirping and squeaking back at her*
|If your that hungry, I can make you something to eat! Or we could get more cookies if you really like those!|

"Well we're engaged now but yes I'm who he mentioned" *Sorell sees the man is dressed entirely in violet, and his eyes are some shade of lavender*

Stoicviolet’s Profile PhotoVio
O-oh..! Um..I-I don't know what that means..but I'm h-happy for you! *Sorell is 11 currently, Vio might have to explain- he's 2 years younger than Raven*
You..kind of match Shadow.. y-you both have that violet color..

Tori: I'm a friend of the family. I've met your parents and some of your siblings, but I don't think you and I have met.

october_opal123’s Profile PhotoOpal, Nao, Tori and the Gang
O-oh! Okay..I was a little w-worried I might of forgot you! But we really d-didn't meet yet! U-um..m-my names Sorell..! I think..your more than a friend if your our Aunt though.. I-I mean..aren't you part of our family?

*She starts to chirp and click* |Comfy.. Safe.. | *she stays close to Sorell resting against him*

NeoTheSkrix’s Profile PhotoNeo
H-huh..? *You can't see it from behind his glitches but his damaged eyelight lights up when he hears the odd clicks and chirps.. at first he thought it was animal sounds but he could of sworn there was a word or 2 being said, he would have to hear her talk again to fully pick it up*
T-that's why you aren't speaking..isn't it..? You don't speak the same language as us.. *he stops petting her for a minute to offer her part of a cookie he got from Torment* Y-you feel like having a cookie?

Language: English