
Nathaniel B

Ask @Eydiow_

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Apa kabar do ^_^ masih inget gue kan..

adibayusf’s Profile PhotoAdibayu
Adibayu Shola Firmansyah. Shemangat SMA ya dibayy! ambil IPA! IPS ribet hafalan ew :):):)

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someone likes you. she's talented but not beautifull, and probably little bit nerd. She really loves her God and go to church every weeks. She doesn't have courage to talk to you. What do you think? pardon for my small grammar mistake if i made them.

diberkatilah doi.
Liked by: ocha

Tetep semangat do untuk ikut Biologi lagi! Nothing is impossible bro

ngek. semangat OSN bio tahundepaan=)


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