I don't know why people are so evil. Maybe it's in their DNA? I have no idea. Or maybe they are born with that just don't know why. Guess some people are just plain down right evil by choice or something happened to them in their lives that caused them to be evil. Who knows!
Hmmm, the most important lesson that I learned in life when my late grandpa told me (before he passed away) that being angry all of your life gets you no where in life and he was so right about that and if being angry all the time in life will not get you no where and you can't move forward with your life if you are always angry and can't let go of things.
Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?
It depends on the person. I think each individual on this earth has a soul mate but then again some never find their soul mate and some prefer not to have one so I have no idea how to answer this question but I'm sticking with my answer here.
How long have you had your ask.fm account?🤪
I can't remember how I've had this ask.fm account of mine, haha. A few years maybe? I don't know, I lost track maybe a year or two at the most.
Oh yes, of course! Like for an example I found out something about my parents' past that I had wished I hadn't stumbled upon across. I know this is a sucky answer but I'm going with this answer.