
Jennifer Ojie

Ask @FaithFilled116

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When did you star shipping Raura, and how did you become attracted to them?

BRUH. Brace yourself. This is gonna be long. Ross is the reason I starting shipping Raura. THE. WAY. HE. LOOKS. AT. LAURA I JUST...I think it was the A&A prom episode. I was bored (I only watch A&A when I'm bored or nothing else on TV). When they kissed I thought it was cute. So I went to youtube to go rewatch it and then BAM!! I got sucked into Raura land. Till this day I don't know how to get out.
Their chemistry I JUST...you don't come across stuff like this often. You just don't. Ross is the reason. ROSS IS THE REASON. THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT.

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