

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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What useless talent do you have?

The ability to regurgitate my own food. Yes, I can do it, and it's kinda cool. But unless I lived with a pack of wolves, I don't see what I could use it for.
Liked by: Wolf

do u know why PewDiePie was again accused of racism?

Don't watch PewDiePie, and never will. And I couldn't care less about what he's being accused of.
Liked by: Wolf

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Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

A few years ago, I would've answered werewolf, due to my fascination with transformations.
Now, I think I'd go down the vampire path, since they seem to have more abilities.
Liked by: Wolf

I like this one guy but I only have one calss with him, he's super nice but I don't know how to talk to him, can you help?

I am the completely wrong person to ask for talking advice. So unfortunately, no. I can't help you.

Aside from all things pumpkin spiced, what is the one thing, if any, you enjoy about the autumn season?

Never eaten anything pumpkin spiced.
And as to what I enjoy? A good Halloween. And I guess that Friday the 13th last week.
Liked by: Wolf

Let me know if you decide to watch the trailer. And if you want more in depth thoughts hit me up.

I did watch it. And it was fascinating.
I did do some research on both this and the upcoming IX, and ended up learning a few things. Apparently, there was supposed to be a theme of having each "old" character be the prime focus for each episode, with Han Solo for The Force Awakens, Luke Skywalker for The Last Jedi, and Leia Organa Solo for #9. Unfortunately, Carrie Fisher died before she could do any scenes for IX, so that's not gonna happen. It's a real shame, but shit happens.
Speaking of 9, apparently JJ Abrams is directing it again. Which I'm psyched for since I love both his work, and what he did with TFA. I'm also interested to see what Rian Johnson will do, since I'm a big fan of Looper.
As for what I think of the trailer. First off, not surprised as to Luke's new characterization. From what I can tell, he's become a less jerkish version of Karl Maxwell, who seems paranoid as to what could happen at any moment. Which I think is interesting and justified, since his nephew destroyed everything he worked for.
Kylo's character is becoming more and more confusing to me, and in a good way. He seems committed to the dark, but is still feeling lost and insecure about his position. Which is what happens when you give a child unfathomable power (okay I know he's 27, but he sure doesn't act like it). Genuinely interested to see what he would do if he allows Rey to turn to the dark side.
Finn vs. Captain Phasma looks friggin awesome. Can't wait to see the whole thing.
It's gonna be weird seeing Chewie without Han for the rest of the series. Even if we did see him alone in ROTS. Just my 2 cents.
Can't think of anything else at the moment. But I am excited. Just hope the internet won't spoil me on important details like last time.

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Liked by: Wolf

do u love walking on a park in the autumn?

In Canada or Jersey, hell yes. Seeing the leaves turn, the gradual change in temperature, and the feelings of mystery and spookiness coming from the woods is just magical. In California, not so much. Everything just feels the same.


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