

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Captain Spirit will be a "demo" for Life is Strange 2 and it'll have "links to the brand new story and characters in LiS 2". It'll be free on all platforms and it'll be out today (at least in my timezone). Just a heads up.

This is all the incentive I need to to get a proper gaming computer and Steam...
Liked by: Wolf

Did either of us think to mention the Veterans Day Special to @TribeTwelveReversed? I know he got caught up on Milo’s journal, but the stream is unlisted.

You're right. I'll send him the link now. He jumped back on the train right as Rendezvous hype was building up. So yeah, he probably doesn't know about it.
If you're reading this Nick, here's the link to that livestream.
https://youtu.be/Xg6JQMGrO4UFloatingQuaker’s Video 148189378626 Xg6JQMGrO4UFloatingQuaker’s Video 148189378626 Xg6JQMGrO4U
Liked by: Wolf

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https://twitter.com/thenimbuscore/status/1009178454313533440?s=21 I don’t have a mic. Thought you might. If you do, go live that dream bro! Give it a shot.

I am unbelievably excited for this. I'm currently going through all the 60 Minutes hosts that I can remember, and am trying to pick out the best voices I can reference. So far, I'm leaning towards Bob Simon, Bill Whitaker, and Morley Schaeffer. I'll send you some examples if you want later on.
Liked by: Wolf

now that i think about it, would you like to hear some more guitar-based drone works? really been into those for some time and didn't know if anyone was up to hearing them.

Well, if I can listen to Stone in Focus every day, I'm definitely down for hearing your guitar drone work. Let me know when you've got something!

proof that saw ii desperately needs an orchestral rendition. also, obligatory comment from adam in the comments. https://youtu.be/0qoIosUdmHM

I'll be honest man, I just woke up over here, and putting this on was so soothing for me that it made me promptly fall back asleep. Rhubarb sounds amazing orchestrally, and I would happily go to a symphony just to hear it.

Times like this man, all alone at work, nothing but my thoughts and Syler to keep me company, I wish I knew someone who was a night owl like me. I need out of my head dude. Any advice for distractions?

Well, you're lucky that I'm three hours behind you, allowing me to theoretically stay up much later in the East.
I dunno if you know about these or not, but I've really been enjoying these Mickey Mouse shorts that have started up a couple years ago. It's a fun time-waster alternative to TV Tropes reading and editing. Speaking of which, if you wante to send you another list to read, just let me know.
Liked by: Wolf

On scale 1-10, how angry do you get because of slow internet?

Considering that's likely going to start happening tomorrow, it'll probably be a 33.
Liked by: Wolf

Rendezvous Reversed https://youtu.be/tB5r6pKA_6k

Man, I was so happy to see Jim Croce, Soundgarden, and especially Fleet Foxes in this vid. Tiger Mountain Peasant Song is one of my favorite tunes from them. Stealers Wheel also made a terrifying/awesome scene all the more hilarious. Dunno who Deer Hunter or The Reckless Wheel are, but I really like their sound.
Liked by: Wolf

If you had amnesia tomorrow, what notes would you write for yourself to remember?

1. Prepare for Earth Space exam
2. Keep an eye on Noah's channel
3. Continue writing Unmatured
4. Start making that Persolus music playlist, and update Firebrand's music playlist
5. Work on OOT LP
6. Realize that there's only five seconds left before someone shoots me in th-*BLAMMO*

Have you witnessed any paranormal acitvities?

No...but I've seen footage through the grips of death.
Liked by: Wolf

What name would you give to the ASKfm’s owlcat?

Wait...you're telling me that the weird, alien face that's the new logo for this thing is a combination of an owl and a cat?
Liked by: Wolf

PAP of a funny face!

Given that we're all reunited, why not bring this joke between us back from the dead?
Liked by: Wolf

I just saw that exact scene. And it is oddly placed given context in the movie, which I won’t spoil for you.

Well, I'm interested, that's for sure.
Liked by: Wolf
+2 answers in: “Dude, I cannot sit and watch IT without thinking about that scene from the book you told me about. Like, every time I see the girl that pops in my head. It’s making me want to say “Screw character development lets just have Pennywise all the time.” By the way, he’s fucking creepy.”


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