

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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What song lyrics do you love most? Share them here!

Nah, but in all seriousness, my current favorite track with really powerful lyrics would be How Much A Dollar Cost by Kendrick Lamar.

Gonna be honest; I put Rikki's laugh on a CD to prank someone a few weeks ago. Then forgot. And as I was driving home tonight I blared (30 volume) the song "The Dawn Will Come" from Dragon Age Inquisition, and right after that was Rikki's laugh.

Breaking News: Man found dead in car after major road accident. The only things recovered from the wreckage were a Guy Fawkes mask, a human skull, and a damaged CD containing an unknown song and a clip of an extremely loud bloodcurdling laugh. This case is still being investigated.
Liked by: AshFlame Wolf

City or countryside? What do you prefer?

Advantages to Countryside: Lots of woods, grasses, farms, and animals, lots of weather variety, cool places to explore (Baldpate Mountain, ETS, ect) awesome food, lots of room to run around, and cool imagery.
Advantages to City: Lots of good people and opportunities to learn, cool places to explore (beaches, mountains/cliffs, ect), great education, lots of artists in the area,
Liked by: Wolf

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Would you choose money or fame?

I mean...none of them are exactly priorities right now, but I would go for money if I had to pick. Not because I'm a greedy bastard, but because it would be handy to have if I need to use it in an emergency situation. I mean, look at Noah. He's got 100,000 from Firebrand, and he only uses it on food, taxes, and other things to keep himself alive.
Fame is something I want to avoid, since not only can it change you in more ways than you'd realize, but because then I'd have several uninspired idiots breathing down my neck, waiting for me to do anything that they can put on some crappy news site. No matter how petty and ordinary it is.
Liked by: Wolf

Have you ever broken up with a friend?

We used to be one guy. Then one day, I used a butcher's knife, and broke us up by force. I couldn't stand to be a part of him anymore.
Liked by: Wolf

Wow. Glad you and the other friend I'm talking to understand what I'm saying. My spelling sucks today. I'm sorry.

"It wounded like a combination of voices"
I know you meant "sounded", but it actually sounds...kinda poetic.
Either way, no worries.
Liked by: Wolf

I sent you all she said in the original question. I'm not sure. It wounded like a combination of voices. Or maybe my hearing sucks in dreams too.

Maybe. Well, we can only imagine.

I don't know. It was all black. I could just hear her. Like....like it was in my head.

I'm assuming that you can't remember what she was saying.
What was her voice like?

And another dream involving a woman, but this one being shrouded completely in darkness and her asking for help. For me to come get her.

Could she see? Or was there something covering her eyes, I wonder? Maybe...purple tape?

Really wishing I knew which of these Shouts were restricted to the Dragonborn DLC and its area so I'm not looking for places that aren't on the main continent of Skyrim.

Pretty certain that any shouts learned in the Dragonborn DLC aren't learned on Skyrim. Not 100% certain on that however, so take it with a grain of salt.
Liked by: Wolf

Back to Skyrim after a bit of a break. I'm going Word hunting now that the Civil War is over, and my wife and daughter are safe in a well furnished home in Dawnstar. Gain as many Words to fill as many Shouts as possible and just become god-like. Then finally go see the greybeards.

Sounds like a good plan.
You planning on tackling Dragonborn sometime? I think you'd really enjoy it.
Liked by: Wolf

Damn it all! I plugged in my deep fryer (which takes forever to heat up) before I read that list. I read that entire list, and the deep fryer still isn't done.

Well, if you ever use it again, here are 2 more lists, plus a few cellblocks of lists that my fellow Tropers have created in order to pass the time.
Liked by: Wolf

What is your idea of hell?

I have several.
Falling down a giant tower forever, as you are taunted by hysterical laughter (obvious pitfall reference is obvious)
An abandoned school where the sun sets but never rises, where theater kids there become drunk with an unknown power (part of the Dramatide)
The basic setup of Lord of the Flies, plus Jack finding the Majora's Mask on the island, and using it to transform the other kids and their identities (just think about that...)
A rural neighborhood mutated into a gigantic green, lush area in NJ where a messed up young man controls it's growth from beneath a silver skull mask (HYBRID, parts of 18 Months/RFTW, and/or parts of Not to Disappear)
America once Trump becomes President
A dark, barren wasteland where two immortal men wander in search of pain, wrought upon and influenced by Edgar Allen Poe, and the ghosts of George & Lennie from Of Mice And Men (Exile by Hurts)
A series of unknown illusions/experiences designed by two mad Scottish men (Geogaddi by Boards of Canada)
A world where everything is dead, but the wind, sun, and sky (Tomorrow's Harvest buy Boards of Canada)
A world made of colors created by a mysterious being for himself and a girl he wishes to love (True Colors by Zedd)
A desolate world beneath a monster's skin and soul, where other monsters and men live (Beneath the Skin by Of Monsters and Men)
A color inverted world where a man lives alone in (Forever by Alesso)
I will soon delete this, so copy and paste it for yourself if you wish.
Although as I type this, I can't go but feel that some of these hells are absolutely wonderful...

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And under "leaks", Scott meant the "gas leaks", mentioned in the image.

Unfortunately, I was unable to brighten the image. I trust that something creepy is hiding in the darkness however.
Liked by: Wolf

As for my opinion on Leafy, dude seems a bit off his rocker at times, but who am I to judge. Seems like an ok guy really.

To me, I feel like he's quite street smart online (would that be called "Net Smart"?), but he seems to be throwing the f-word into every sentence he says whenever possible. I just think that's overly unnecessary. He makes some good points in this vid, and his other vids as well tho.
While it does make me a bit uncomfortable, I will say that this guy, ReviewTechUSA, AlphaOmegaSin, the three of us, 97% of all music critics, and Doug Walker are some of the smartest people online in my opinion.
Liked by: Wolf


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