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Firebrand theories?

First off, Firebrand can't tell Noah everything, as we saw in INTERCEPTION. The Administrator can't control Firebrand, but he can prevent him from {REDACTED} everything he needs to know. And Firebrand is, in a way, a paradox. He is able to help Noah for now, but once Noah draws Severance on the Journal, Firebrand will either die, or be controlled by the Collective. By the end of TT, we may not even remember who Firebrand was, or if he even existed. This is where HABIT comes in. Firebrand needs HABIT in order to keep himself liberated. Without him, Firebrand would be trying to stop Noah, albeit against his will. So I think I know what the deal between HABIT and Firebrand is. HABIT will keep Firebrand liberated long enough for Noah to do what he needs to do and sometimes help Noah so that way Firebrand exists. In return, Firebrand has to make sure Noah kills Slender Man, so that HABIT can deal with Patrick without Stick-in-the-mud getting in the way. Knowing the two, HABIT will pull a fast one and grab the journal as soon as Noah gets it so that he'll have the glory of killing Slender Man, and Firebrand will try and kill HABIT because he hates him. These are just theories, don't forget. But tell me what you think, because I may have missed a few details.

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Hello. How are you today?

I just saw an old friend, went swimming, and thought about the future. I think that I had a good day. You?

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Who do you think believes that I actually care about that stuff?

John Noble is the man playing Scarecrow in Arkham Knight. And looking back on it, I should have realized his voice sounded familiar.

I don't know this John Noble, but he's doing a good job of portraying a calm, rage-filled Scarecrow. In Asylum, he sounded like a lunatic like most of the patients. But here, he sounds bitter, and gleeful at the same time, knowing that he will be the most feared (no pun intended) villain in Gotham City.

What do you think of Scarecrow's new look for Arkham Knight? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLGCrgpJmOw

He looks pretty fucked-up.
But with having survived being dragged underwater, and nearly eaten, it justifies that. The one question I have now is: Who's his voice actor? I've seen multiple sources saying Dino is voicing him, but it seems that Richard Mcgonagle is the main rumor.
But one thing that bugs me is Batman. He looks too much like Christian Bale, and seems just as young as Arkham Origins Batman. He looks awesome, don't get me wrong. But his age appearance...bugs me.

2/3 with this in mind, and it sort of fits. Vin's confusion, Evan mentioning he has hurt so many people, even the sudden switch from Evan to HABIT between vids. But why would they put them in the wrong order? Even some of what I could make out HABIT saying in the last vid. Vin said he'd rather die

Yeah, it sorta makes sense.
It also supports how Dr. Corenthal was able to treat Milo, as he is also fiction.
But how does HABIT exist then? He did all that stuff with Firebrand, and appears to be an important part of history. He also was able to interact with real-life (in-game) Noah Maxwell. So does that mean only certain parts of the plot of EMH actually exist? Weirdest mind screw I've ever thought of.

of those Things we've heard about. It starts to limps towards me but then drops to all fours and moves like the Rake. I fall backwards and then wake up. This time though I did watch EverymanHYBRID vids before going to bed unlike with the Observer dream. So, your thoughts? Questions?

I think you had a prophetic dream. You said you broke the lease, correct? And yet, HABIT still was making you do stuff. I think HABIT might be telling you that while Vinny may have tried to break the lease, he still is connected to it, and still has to work for HABIT until HABIT exterminates the lease. He just made an example of it without words by using you.
And you were at your old house, correct? Maybe that hints at Vinny trying to bring things back to the way they were. In other words, You used to live in your house. Vinny used to be fighting HABIT. Now it's time to start living in that house again, if you know hat I mean.
Now for the cameraman...It seems that it may be related to the Rake, judging by it's crawling on all fours. Perhaps it is the Rake, or creatures like it assuming a human form for a while until it wishes to revert. Anything else you can remember? And did the Cameraman change when it crawled on all forms?

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I also am amending my Arkham Knight answer. Apparently who I thought was AK was actually Scarecrow's voice. Not the Knight.

Yeah, I know. But this makes me curious. Who is voicing the Arkhman? (Arkham Knight) And who is voicing Scarecrow? Dino Andrade? Richard Macgonagle? Troy Baker? Who?!?


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