

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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Well it was WWII when Sebastian (I assume it was him since I think that's where Karl got the journal) was taken, so not even 100 years back. But yeah, that would be cool. Also, didn't know our friend lived out there.

Yeah, he mentioned on in the TT Wikia. Pretty cool place to live in my opinion.
Liked by: AshFlame Wolf

If you do wander over to Germany, be careful if you get near the Black Forest. I hear there's some weird dude in a business suit who hangs out there.

Well, I know that Nikola lives near there, so...yay protection? Tho maybe I'll find out what happened to that poor Nazi soldier that got captured by him a few hundred years ago. That would be interesting.
Liked by: AshFlame Wolf

I'm fine. Just got a case of strep throat. Have fun in France man. That sounds awesome. As for TT, according to Twitter, apparently someone received a package from Scriniarii that looks a hell of a lot like the device. Confirming with Adam if this is legit.

Well, more ARG elements certainly can't hurt. Though strep throat does. I remember getting that in 1st grade, and being in pain for what felt like an eternity. Get well soon. And I'll take some pictures and videos at France, and maybe wander over to Germany if I'm lucky.
Liked by: AshFlame Wolf

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What is up my dudes? Bored in the ER right now so I thought I'd ask how you guys were doing?

Things are going well. Heading to France this summer, exploring the genres of New Wave and Bossa Nova, and writing occasionally. All while waiting for the new TT.
Which reminds me...gotta get down recording equipment for LOZ if I'm gonna do it. Hope things are well on your end, friend. And yeah, Noah's mental state is about as healthy as diabetes.
And I am never saying that again.
Liked by: Wolf

Has Scriniarii been up to much since we got links to those VSauce vids? He seems to have gone quiet.

To be fair, pretty sure that Slendy wouldn't appreciate his blabbing, so maybe he's silenced him for the time being.
Wait...Noah just tweeted.
Liked by: AshFlame Wolf

So I just woke up (not feeling well) and saw that Firebrand (via twitter) blew up my phone. You think this is what Noah needed advice on? And what do you think of Firebrand's tone in these tweets?

Firebrand's tone: Bored and frustrated, but encouraging.
And yeah, seems to make sense. With S almost done (not gonna bother trying to spell it), it's likely the only way to encourage Noah, since Stan isn't able to do so.
Liked by: AshFlame Wolf

Why do so many girls make duck-faces in pictures?

Better question: how the hell do you make a duck-face?
Liked by: Wolf

so, what do you guys think of this crossover? i really enjoyed it as a small snack before the real meal

I think it really work for all of the series as an update video. Noah obviously isn't gonna update anytime soon, and has gone way too far to be trusted anymore. And it's nice for an update on Stan, and these smaller channels on what's going on. So yeah, pretty satisfying.
Liked by: Wolf

-physically picks the two of you up in a big hug- Thank you both so much. They're both alright and doing fantastic. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.

No problem mate! Glad to see that they made it through.
Liked by: Wolf

https://youtu.be/tXJ9WiUQTtw This is up there with Firebrand giving The Administrator the finger.

I know, right? Stan was already a badass, being one of the few Slenderverse protagonists being able to take down a proxy with little effort, and then getting said proxy to defect from Slender Man. But simply ignoring him until he gets fed up with him standing there...damn. Just...damn.
Liked by: Wolf

Nick Nocturne's voice is so soothing and calming. And he does a good job of pointing out and explaining stuff (at least for Marble Hornets). Have you given his Night Mind vids a listen?

I tried watching one on TT, but I found it incredibly boring. Nothing against the guy personally, but he just seems to be restating the plot of the Slenderverse ARG's to viewers, so I really don't get what's so fascinating about him.
Liked by: Wolf

I think Adam is filming again. Judging by his Tumblr.

On his Snapchat, I saw him with a wig of black hair on. I've stopped using Tumblr tho, so I gotta take a look at what he's doing.
Liked by: Wolf

Somehow I asked you that instead of answered your question. My mind is clearly wonky today. Apologies.

C'est bonne monsieur.

I more or less meant in universe how did he survive. How did the Emperor, Vader, some bounty hunter, a Hutt, or kid with anger issues not just kill him? Especially since he gave Palpatine the power he used to become Emperor. But a valid point for out of universe nonetheless. 👍

In that case, I just have to chalk it up to Jar Jar being so hated, that no one even bothered to try to kill him, as they probably would waste valuable time needed to either crush the rebels, fulfill their contract, or whatever angry kids do in the Star Wars universe trying to kill an incompetent Gungan who's God knows where.
Liked by: Wolf

Spoiler for Star Wars: Aftermath-Empire's End; fucking Jar Jar Binks is still alive post Return of the Jedi. He survived the Empire and the Galactic Civil War. How? How did that idiot survive? He must have the luck of a god or something.

Well, he's a memetic loser. The hatred that the fandom has towards Jar Jar has grown so strong that everyone will always remember him. And as long as he is remembered, he can never die.
This was the secret of immortality that Joker wanted in Arkham Knight. And because of how he and Batman are so well-known outside his universe, Joker technically succeeded. And so has Jar Jar, albeit in a negative way.
Any form of fiction will eventually die if everyone chooses to forget it. FNAF is almost gone because the hype behind it is finished, and the story is too complicated to follow. But Superman 64 is still remembered because people made fun of how bad it was, leaving it as a massive cult following. Jar Jar may be hated universally, but the amount of jokes spawned from him, plus bringing him up every time someone decides to complain about the prequels keeps him alive with the rest of the Star Wars universe. Forever.

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Liked by: Wolf

So real talk, reading Adam's Breath of the Wild posts of him asking for help, I can't tell if it's sarcasm or if that's actually Zelda stuff. That's how little I know of Zelda. I'm just slightly above knowing that Zelda isn't the green clothed boy.

I think you're definitely missing out. I think I will play through OOT soon so I can show you why people regard it as a classic to this day.
Liked by: Wolf


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