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Now, more than ever, this question haunts us; who is Henka Visae? https://twitter.com/tribetwelve/status/973033588995260422?s=21

Well in the very least, we know for certain that Henka is Deadhead. Not just because of Milo's drawings, but because Noah put his name on the bottom. So we got that going for us.
And as for his identity...we may find out in the next entry. After all, Scrinarii said Henka Visæ was the captain of the boat cruise. And I highly doubt that he'll be wearing his skull mask while he's navigating. I don't know much about sea laws, but I'm pretty sure you can't conceal your face while on duty.
I'm actually terrified of the fact that Milo seems to be willingly accepting what the Order is telling him. It's pretty clear that these guys have no real understanding of what Slender Man is, and Henka's words to Milo seem to have actually convinced him to try and steal Karl's journal for the Order and/or The Collective. We know it doesn't work since Karl still has it (at the expense of Sonia's death), but it's still scary to think about. What do you think?

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Liked by: Wolf

Adam confirms the girl Milo mentions during the latest “book club” meeting is none other than DarkHarvest’s own Heather McComber. I feel like DH has become the Half-Life 3 of the Slenderverse. And EMH is Kingdom Hearts III.

It's been forever since we last saw Chris and Alex, but we're learning more and more about the Order they're fighting through Milo. Strange, considering that they never met each other, but no less awesome.
Liked by: Wolf

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I know neither of us have had reason to check Scotty C’s website for a while, and truth be told I clicked it on accident, but does that look like a combination of all the offices across the series?

Truth be told, it does. Guess it's a nice way of confirming that all the stories are indeed related. That, and Rule of Cool.
Liked by: Wolf

Yo man I think Amazon saw my tweet to Noah, cause now all my shit is showing up in like two days. And I’m not paying extra either.

Well, guess Noah set them a high standard to meet. And they always love a challenge, I guess.
Liked by: Wolf
+2 answers Read more

So you and I are stuck on the same word. I had the translations. I didn’t know if you’d read it yet. Wanted it to be a surprise. But yeah, holy shit. Kevin has been possessed since childhood. And it may/may not be Milo’s fault. Depending on how Observer came to be.

And I don't think it'll be the last time either. In DEATHTRAPEXODUS, Observer said to "learn of his deeds" within Milo's Journal. Meaning that Milo's likely going to have to confront him later on in his life. So far, we have "kicking and screaming" message, and now this. Who knows what'll happen next...
+2 answers in: “I can make sense of everything but one word https://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/seance.html?m=1”

I can make sense of everything but one word https://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/seance.html?m=1

Someone commented the translations on the post: According to "Shannon", the words on the Ouija board mean:
Ephemeris: a table or data file giving the calculated positions of a celestial object at regular intervals throughout a period
Occultatum: hidden
Esuriens: ravenous
Undique: everywhere
So Robert is hidden, and Slender Man is ravenous and everywhere. Can't say I understand the first word though.
Also, are we not gonna mention the fact that Kevin briefly became the Observer for the first time? Seems like a big deal.
+2 answers Read more

So what do you think; is Mary making shit up about Robert or is she letting some darker truth slip out?

If I were to make an inference based on her character, I probably would say that she's making it up. It's pretty clear to me that Mary couldn't of cared less about Robert if she made the conscious decision to murder him during the house fire. Also, if Robert were alive thanks to Slender Man's influence, why isn't he a Collective member?
Liked by: Wolf

And my comment to Noah about Amazon rings true. Bought a ring (not engagement ring) for my GF, took a week and a half to get here. Bought a dvd, took like two days.

The Collective and Slendy, spearheading the Amazon movement since WWII
Liked by: Wolf

Robert Downey Jr. or Hugh Jackman?

Hugh Jackman, hands down. Dude was phenomenal as Wolverine. And also knew when enough was enough, and decided to retire the role at the right time. Props to him.
Liked by: Wolf

I’m curious how Deadhead was following Sebastian and later was there with Milo in human form. So, crazy idea, but what are the odds that The Event that started this whole thing happened on 11/11? Things of importance all seem to happen on that date.

Could totally be true. I wouldn't be surprised.
Also dig up some dirt on Deadhead, and found some interesting info on Henka Visæ.
According to Scrinarii on the Discord, Henka Visæ was the captain of the boat that capsized when Noah was a kid, and killed Sonia Maxwell (Karl's wife). And since Henka was the one who recruited Mary into the Order, it's very likely he was the one who was wearing the skull mask at the Order meeting. And we know he was a hunchback, according to the East Coast Manifest. But at the same time, Deadhead knows Sebastian, who was active only during WWII (and is dead now). So...who is Henka Visæ?
Liked by: Wolf
+1 answer in: “You thinking of who I’m thinking Milo has seen in person? https://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/club.html?m=1”

You thinking of who I’m thinking Milo has seen in person? https://maxwellarchive.blogspot.com/2018/02/club.html?m=1

Yep. There's no doubt in my mind that the man with the skeletal face was Deadhead. Not entirely sure what he would want from either Milo Asher or the Order itself though.
And looks like we were right. The book club was The Order. And it seems that they were intent on making Milo a member for some reason. And on Noah's birthday to boot. And judging by Mary's reaction to whatever that creepy-ass ritual they did with him, it seems that she wants him to do something with the Order as well. This whole thing is trippy too, since we're looking at the same cult that DarkHarvest is (or I guess "was" is more appropriate now) fighting. Damn.
Liked by: Wolf
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Is your attic or basement spooky?

Never been up to the attic, and I don't have a basement anymore. And the one I did had in Jersey was cool, but not really scary. Unless you count the cats that would somehow climb up into the ceiling of my storage room and hang out there...
Liked by: Wolf


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