

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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How do you feel about them killing Snoke? Do you think it’s too early and do you wish we could have learned more about him?

I feel that Snoke's death was inevitable. I agree that his death was a little undignified, and I wish we could of seen a little more of the power that he wielded before he went down (and in a way that was a little more satisfying), but it had to be done in order to have Kylo Ren take the reins of being the big bad. Andy Serkis is an excellent actor tho, and his performance of Snoke was chilling.
Although I do have to agree with the fan consensus on his choice of clothing. He looked alright in TFA, but his outfit in TLJ makes him look less like a powerful Force user and more like a rich pornstar who's too lazy to get out of bed. I also overestimated his intelligence and stoicism, which made his death all the more anitclimactic in my opinion.
Liked by: Wolf

With the fact he didn’t kill Leia, he did kill Snoke, and Rey sensing good in him, but he also took power for himself, Luke said he was beyond redemption, and Rey metaphorically shutting the door on him, do you think there’s hope for Kylo to return to the light?

I don't think so. In my opinion, I believe Kylo is supposed to symbolize the fact that some villains can never be turned, no matter what the protagonist(s) do(es) to help him. People like Darth Maul, Lord Voldemort, and the Joker are all complete monsters who know that they can't be redeemed, no matter what they do to change. Kylo's just like them, but is a bit unpredictable since we've seen some of what little humanity he has left.
Honestly, I can't tell what he's going to do next. And that's really scary to think of. His grandfather's story has been told in reverse, so we know what he's done. But Kylo's practically a burning helicopter: you know he's gonna do something terrible, but you don't know where he's gonna crash.
Liked by: Wolf

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Do you think/hope the Knights of Ren will make an appearance in Episode IX?

Probably not. The Knights of Ren are most certainly important in this new trilogy's series of events, but if their presence were still relevant during the time that the movies occurred, they would've been with Kylo since the beginning. And judging by the fact that they seem to have vanished off the face of the earth, I highly doubt they will appear for a last hurrah in IX. It would certainly be interesting, but it's highly doubtful.
Liked by: Wolf

For that matter what was your thoughts on the entire Finn/Rose subplot?

I do think their relationship comes a little out of nowhere, and I personally thought that Finn and Rey had a little more chemistry between them. But I'm cool with it. I mean, Star Wars romances are Star Wars romances. They could always be worse. And their subplot was totally fine. It's part of an important moral as to why communication between people is always important.
Liked by: Wolf

What were your thoughts on the Canto Bight section and the character of DJ?

Personally, I don't think it was as distracting to the plot as many others did. If anything, I actually kind of liked how it allowed for some more world-building in the Star Wars film universe that combines real world elements with CGI, rather than having one or the other for the other trilogies. You get to see what Canto Blight's culture is both on the outside and inside, and what the natives are like there, giving it more life than any of George Lucas's CGI planets could hope to accomplish.
Speaking of natives, I thought DJ was a really cool character. Crappy name aside, I like how he was a twist on what Han Solo's character was: being someone to hire whose main objective is to get paid. I like the addition of his stutter and his ultimate betrayal was in-character for him. Benicio del Toro is an excellent actor, and his performance here was no exception to his talent.

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is it better to buy an iPhone 6 in a store or 6s directly from another person?

If it's an Apple product, I say...

What kind of shows do you like? why?

Finally have been watching some TV on occasion. Currently following True Detective and The Sopranos. The latter really has me interested as I've always been interested in the Italian mafia world, and it takes place in my old home state.
Liked by: Wolf

What did you think of Luke’s “fight” with Kylo and his new trick?

What can I say? You're pretty damn awesome AND powerful if you can project yourself halfway across the galaxy, and trick your enemy into thinking that you're actually there. Shows how strong Luke is with the Force. And also how he would be a massive story breaker if he were allowed to be involved in the main plot without consequence.
Liked by: Wolf

I’m going to go ahead and send my questions for you to get to when you have time. Also Dad and I are finally gonna go see it tomorrow.

Alright, have fun man. Sorry I haven't been responding, been studying from high school finals. Will get back to you when I can
Liked by: Wolf

Just gonna get you started while I think of more questions. 1. Do you agree with Mark's disagreement over Luke's direction?

Not really. Although I can understand the outcry of why some fans think that his actions are very out-of-character, I think it's interesting to see Luke from a different perspective. It's almost a linear way of seeing how something can really shell-shock a person, and that not everyone can be who they are expected to be.
Liked by: Wolf

Is this call cheating, when you're dating one person but you fall in love with other guys and that guy like you back ?

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Good news; maybe I get to go see TLJ with Dad on Thursday. Meantime, you cool with me sending you questions about specific things? You can private respond with asks if you want to keep your feed spoiler free.

I'm cool with spoilers in my feed, I just didn't know that you already saw it. So I'll respond normally.
Liked by: Wolf

Do you like to play chess? How can I learn it?

Find a pro and learn how each piece works. Then play full games whenever you get the chance.
Liked by: Wolf


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