

Ask @FloatingQuaker

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I apologize for responding a bit late, I was really sunk into Microsoft's E3. Even though I don't own an XBOX ONE, it's nice to see the lineup and maybe something old school releated (the Rare Replay pack is a serious want for me!)


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(About the E3 explanation) Oh, and also Nintendo. Though, they will appear under what's called "Digital Event"

E3 (Electronic Enternainment Expo) is something like a location in LA in which big companies (Bethesda, Sony, Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft) create conferences to anounce new titles and updates. It's very interesting, but I understand that you are not into this type of stuff. I was curious though.

I might take a look. Sounds interesting

Are you interested in E3, especially the 2015 one? I am currently waiting for the Microsoft conference to begin.

I actually have no idea what E3 even is.
All I know is that it has to do with unreleased video games.

Yet more reasons for me to hate on Apple. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHZvrY2iVmc

Yeah, it's painfully obvious that Apple is just trying to one-up everyone, and gain as much money as possible.
That's why I'm a Google Play/Nexus guy. The only Apple hardware I own is a Macbook Air, and that's because it's good for producing music. Other than that, my family has absolutely nothing to do with Apple.

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Both, because my way of thinking changes drastically.

Correction; in the triage of lights, far right light, there is a reflection of razor sharp teeth.

Maybe the owner of the whole company turned himself into an animatronic?
I actually thought that news was fake, since that image looked fake on the page I was on, and I was too lazy to check Scott's website.

Here is a thing I did. I upped it on NG since I did upp stuff there before and I had experience with it in the past. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/628951

Kinda sounds like some of my old Soundation stuff...makes me very nostalgic.
In terms of using risers, the Axwell Riser is great to use as a build-in towards a different part of the same track, or as a background riser for any drops that you want to do. So for that track, I suggest finding a part of it that sounds like it feels different from itself later on, and adding it in to see what kind of effect you get.

If you could control nature, which element would you choose? Why?

Probably darkness, so that I can show everyone what's truly inside of it. Like what Alesso did with Forever.


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