20 inches of black steel or 2 inches of white rubber?
Funny, My great grandad asked me that question...
is jimmy saville really your great grandad?
He isn't really great...
is isaacs pen15 big or small?
Ask Barney
Do like chicken or turkey
Chicken is by far the best.
why are your friends such weirdos
Don't be so mean to your mother...
Eleven thousand people are blind
Actually, 2 million people are blind in the UK alone. But if you're talking about your 11 thousand friends, then yes i agree...
why are your videos so shit?
Eleven Thousand people would Dissagree
...she's in both, that's why I was asking
Well, that turned the tides...
Do you prefer Lesbian or Straight porn?
It depends, which one is your mum in?
Penis Llamas or Llama Penis?
Penis Llamas, my god, Penis Llamas...
why do you like dans cock? are you tired of his ass in your face?
I like my cock, not Dan's. Also, i'm only tired of having your mothers ass in my face...
I don't know? Are you?
my pussy is so wet for you Frankie Mitchell I just want to blow and blow and blow.
Never in my life have i laughed so hard at a random person from the internet...
if you had to choose, a penis for a mouth or a vagina for a mouth what would you choose?
Well, my friend Isaac has had this exact dilemma! He says (from personal experience) That with a penis mouth you can blow water around like an elephant. So i choose to have a penis for a mouth, just so i can slap you with it