
Henrik Hansen

why do u think EU produce (educate) the best midlaners (you, Bjerg....)

I think the way EU teams plays the game just makes the mid shine the most, less now than before. I think KR had as good mids as EU since s2. They just won because of working together rather than the mid trying to outplay the opponent and creating advantages. If you look at SK nobody really talks about jesiz but he always does what he needs to on SK.
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Latest answers from Henrik Hansen

is adc better or mid better for soloq? wildturtle reached masters in 44 games with 80% win rate.

He duoQ'd with lustboy in a lot of games. and he got diamond 1 when master tier was out so he got +30/40 points per game.
I think ADC/Mid are the best roles to carry from, ADC + support or mid/jungle if duoq cause you can stomp enemy bot which generally leads to wins

Many ppl goes for tear and RoA anivia and I saw you going for athene's and rabadon. Which one is the better way and in what kind of situations?

I like athenes/rabadon more, it gives CDR + mana regen so you don't completely rely on getting blues. it also doesn't need time to scale. I don't like tear/ROA that much. I think it's pretty weak

hey froggen, i usually have trouble farming mid because the enemy is always aggresive, any tips

fight til one of you die or just call your jungle '^'

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