
Henrik Hansen

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Latest answers from Henrik Hansen

is adc better or mid better for soloq? wildturtle reached masters in 44 games with 80% win rate.

He duoQ'd with lustboy in a lot of games. and he got diamond 1 when master tier was out so he got +30/40 points per game.
I think ADC/Mid are the best roles to carry from, ADC + support or mid/jungle if duoq cause you can stomp enemy bot which generally leads to wins

Many ppl goes for tear and RoA anivia and I saw you going for athene's and rabadon. Which one is the better way and in what kind of situations?

I like athenes/rabadon more, it gives CDR + mana regen so you don't completely rely on getting blues. it also doesn't need time to scale. I don't like tear/ROA that much. I think it's pretty weak

hey froggen, i usually have trouble farming mid because the enemy is always aggresive, any tips

fight til one of you die or just call your jungle '^'

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