Latest answers from E.O.

What’s currently your favorite TV show?

Rise of The TMNT, without a doubt, is my favorite animated series as of now. Before that it was Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I still love this series, but I have seen the episodes hundreds of times.

What's something that everyone should do every day?

Breath normally, if possible, and drink a healthy amount of water.

What is your favorite month of the year?

I like March, April, May, June, July, August, September and October. I don’t know which one I like the most. I love ‘em all.

How often do you tidy up your room?

Umm.. not often..
Ahem, I mean.. maybe once or twice a year? Yeah, something like that...

Did you just change your name?

Yeah, I changed it from Ms. Nobody to Edna since.. that is my name after all. And since Nobody was a nickname that I gave myself during the most lonely years of my life. Yeah, lame.. I know..

How many phobias can you name just by memory? Give us the list please.

Achluophobia, Arachnophobia, Anthrophobia, Anthropophobia, Catapedaphobia, Thalassophobia, Myctophobia, Nyctophobia, Caulrophobia, Hippopotomonstrousequipedaliophobia, Pyrophobia, Melissophobia, Zoophobia (?), Hydrophobia, Hemophobia, Aglophobia(?), Algophobia, Numerophobia, Phobophobia, Polyphobia, Aerophobia, Thanophobia, Zeusphobia, Necrophobia, Sociophobia, Angoraphobia, Heterophobia, Pedophobia, Hexaphobia, Ailurophobia, Cleptophobia, Kaleidophobia, Claustrophobia, Cleithrophobia, Snakephobia, Telephobia (?), Chronophobia (?), Kronosphobia (?), Achillesphobia (?), Chromaphobia (?), Microphobia. There was also another one I was gonna write down, but then I forgot it before I could write it. Well I know some more, but I can’t remember them right now in the moment as I write this.
And yes, I also know which fears the phobias are connected to. Why would I learn the names and not know anything about them, that would just be lame. I think most of them are very obvious to guess. Also I am not sure if I spelled them all correctly, hence if some of them even exist. But yes the longest one does exist and the fear it symbolizes is very ironic for its name.

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