

Ask @GlindaBells

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This kid makes chores fun by dancing to music while filling the dishwasher. I use music, too, but I also like to set goals for myself to get things done. What do you all do to make your work more enjoyable? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arZ8mPhW6Vo&feature=youtu.be

Ha, that boy is totally adorable! He's got some moves, too!
I dance around the house too sometimes when I'm cleaning. Playing music makes all the difference when you're doing something tedious, I've found. Hi Gracie

In what ways do you exercise control over yourself and why?

Spending - When I shop, I take only cash so I can't overspend.
Drinking - I know my personal limit is 2 drinks. Anything over that, and it's not safe.
Sweets - Don't buy it to begin with. It's a matter of saying "no" only once at the grocery store. Versus saying "no" to yourself over and over again at home if it's bought.
Controlling emotion - Walk away and distance myself until I can think more clearly.

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In your opinion, are close friendships with large age gaps possible? How old is your oldest and youngest friend?

I tend to gravitate towards people older than me. Most of my friends are my age, or up to 10-15 years older than me. With a few exceptions.

What food do you make the best and who/where did you learn from?

Italian food. Specifically my sauce. I make it by first sauteeing peppers, onions, and mushrooms in olive oil. Add red wine. Cook ground Italian sausage, add tomato sauce, fresh tomatoes, and crushed tomatoes and put the whole thing in a crock pot. Add spices (bay leaf important) and let it cook all day long.
Can put it over pasta, use it to make lasagna, or just dip Italian bread into it. I learned the basics from mom, and jazzed it up myself. Hi Lyssa
Liked by: Robin Hood

We're you ever in a school play or musical program as a kid?Got any photos of it?

Not until high school when I joined the Drama club. Yes, I have photos, but no thanks on posting them! :)
Liked by: Robin Hood

does a newspapers or celebrity endorsement influence who you'd like to see as president?

Blockhead1’s Profile PhotoBlockhead
No, not at all. I get a bit irritated that they use their celebrity status as a soapbox. I have been to two concerts where the musicians announced their political views from the stage. It was inappropriate. The audience bought tickets to hear them play music, not to hear their personal politics. Hi Blockie
Liked by: Robin Hood Blockhead

Do you think most people nowadays prefer "googling" their symptoms and self-diagnosing rather than visiting a physician? Why?

Yes, at least as a preliminary "what could this be" sort of research before they see a doctor. I think it stems from being a bit jaded about how medicine is practiced now, with big pharma running things and docs being very liberal with the prescription pads, patients being sent for many unnecessary tests which we fear is just a money maker or a cover-your-butt solution for docs who don't want to get sued. We are beginning, as a society, to distrust the medical professionals a bit, unlike previous generations who did/believed exactly what their doc told them and didn't question it. We also have the internet at our fingertips and access to so much more knowledge than ever before. It's a fine line, because while we want to be knowledgable about our health, internet over-load can convince us that we have xyz disease, and alarm us unnecessarily.
Good question!

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Liked by: Robin Hood

Yo, Glinda. What did you feed your cats tonight?

thecasualfanrises’s Profile Photocasual fan
Cat Food™
Sometimes they eat a little people food, depending on what it is. They like deli meat, yogurt and Triscuits, so I share whenever I eat things they like. In small quantities as a treat, otherwise it would make them sick.
Liked by: Robin Hood Blockhead

What are your thoughts on this article? Are mothers still looked down on in the society for being *just*..mothers? *safe link. http://mariashriver.com/blog/2015/08/motherhood-why-do-we-still-not-feel-like-its-enough-maria-shriver/

I don't think most people look down on stay-at-home-mothers. It's got to be one of the hardest, and most important jobs in the world. From what I have heard from people I know, there seems to be two predominate pressures which make *just* mothers feel like they aren't doing enough....first comes from themselves, because there is no immediate gratification, no mothering progress reports that say "yes, you are doing a great job". Shaping a child's sense of self is a year after year process, and one doesn't see the finished product, so to speak, until many years down the road.
The other pressure seems to come from partners (or other mothers, who work outside the home) who make the mother feel that if they aren't helping to provide a monetary income, then their work and contribution to the family is somehow less important. In reality, raising a child to feel loved and secure and nurtured (whether or not the mother works) is what counts in the end.

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When you have a guest coming for an extended visit, how differently do you clean/tidy up whether the person is male or female?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
More cleaning in the kitchen for a female visitor, and more cleaning around the TV watching area for a male. Women tend to spend more time in my kitchen chatting and helping me make food or wash dishes, and men tend to spend more time relaxing in front of my TV while we cook and clean up.

Why do you think some individuals proceed lying even after the truth has been discovered? Is it because they're desperate?

Maybe because they've lied to themselves for so long, that they believe their own lie.

do you prefer someone to sugarcoat things or be blunt? I'm blunt sadly and my sister hates me for that.

I would rather someone point out my stupidity in a gentle manner. That way my feelings aren't as hurt and their point still gets across. *waves*

I received an "insufficient funds" email from my brokerage over a matter of $100. May I borrow $100? (It was actually just a buy order hold from a previous trade I made)

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoNeo
*rummages through purse* Well, I've got $8, a gift card for Starbucks, and a buy-one-get-one-free coupon for pizza. You're welcome to these valuables if it helps. Otherwise, payday is next week. :)

Flashback Friday!! In memory of Scott Weiland(Stone Temple Pilots). You will be missed, but your music will always inspire. RIP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0gAxuvo5rc BQ: Is there a proper way to say goodbye to musicians that have inspired you without looking like a stalker?

ThomasGWS’s Profile PhotoThomas
BQ: Sure. I've been watching a lot if David Bowie on YouTube and I heard his new album is setting records. They live on in their creations. Hi Thomas

If someone offered you to insert an optical fiber in your brain, manipulate your brain cells and therefore change your unpleasant memories into more appealing ones, would you accept the offer? Why?

No, I prefer knowing the reality. We can learn valuable lessons from unpleasant experiences.

Will you worry if I'm not online for a while? Moving to a cabin for a few months with maybe no internet.

Grapplersama’s Profile PhotoTHE Grappler
Yes, I would worry if you were not online for months, unless you had said you would be gone. Can you get cell service from your cabin, in case you had an emergency?

Hello. It's me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoGlinda
Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry
For everything that I've done
But when I call you never
Seem to be home
#MadLoveForAdele but #Can'tTakeItAnymore

do you try to stop cursing or you just say whatever? lol

I try to pick the time/place of my cursing wisely. So like not at work or around people who would take offense.
I've also found you can curse like a sailor in a more socially acceptable way if you do it in a funny voice, fake accent, or using a tender tone. You're #%!?$ welcome, sweetie. :)


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