
Janine :)

Latest answers from Janine :)

you ate any of those mushrooms lately? lol

TimothyBush’s Profile PhotoTim Bush
Yeah. Had some for breakfast the other day fried in butter, with scrambled eggs. Was nice

Laaandaaan is kinda weird too it seems. I can't even find it on Google Maps.

TimothyBush’s Profile PhotoTim Bush
Loool yeah we are pretty unknown. Because we're a magical land that has unicorns and magic mushrooms that we live in. But shhh don't tell anyone

no, you seem very pretty, really. we call you a dime where I'm from. *i had to go to Urbandictionary.com for "taking a piss" cause that isn't a common phrase here*

TimothyBush’s Profile PhotoTim Bush
Lol thank you and Ahh America is weird (wait you are american right?)

my lady, thou art as a vintage wine on a summer cruise with skin like a gourmet chocolate. My blood would boil as to smell thine perfume and your body as I mount atop it.

TimothyBush’s Profile PhotoTim Bush
Nah you're just taking the piss mate asdkkkk

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