

Ask @Grace469762

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I think Frank Barone summed it up well: His wife has just advised him she's not just some trophy wife. After a moment, his brow furled in confusion and he asked, "A trophy wife? What contest in hell did I win?"

The past stays in the past, boo. 😎

I agree that you can't obsess about the past, but I believe you need to be mindful of the past, or you're apt to repeat your mistakes. Also, when someone you love dies, memories of the past are all you have.

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what do you hope to do in the new year??

Well, just before Christmas my son unexpectedly passed away. And I've just been told I have a lump in my breast that I need to have evaluated. Once all that settles, I'll be able to look beyond where I am right now.

When she leaves I'm calling another girl over .

Hopefully "she" is your sister. Life is too short for unnecessary interpersonal drama.

What if the hottest woman alive was president? Who & what would she do?

She'd be hated as badly as any woman in office-- maybe even worse. Even if she were the best president ever, all many would assume is that she's weak and stupid.

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Do you believe that there is such thing as a bad person? Why?

Not really. I think some are messed up or misguided. And some do bad things because they want to be infamous. But if they were meeting their maker, they'd cry for mercy with the best of them

Are you attracted to people who hold the door for you?

I'm appreciative of anyone who does a kind deed for another. If I were in the market for a new partner, thoughtfulness would be a plus.

I promise you, no more broken promises, will never break again…me

Never say never, never say always. Life is too unpredictable for those kinds of promises.

What is your view on sex before marriage?

I think two adults are within their rights to make that decision. That being said, I think overall people are best-served to be in a monogamous relationship when choosing to be intimate. That's not a moral stand, as much as it's a practical one.

What song did you hear and think was beautiful

I heard a couple at our church sing The Prayer (made famous by Celine Dion). I'd never heard it before, so it took me by surprise. I choked back tears the whole time, it was so beautiful.

Are you or were you ever attracted to people who like to brag?

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Before you get to know someone, the bragger can be confused with being charismatic and having confidence. But the bragging soon comes through. Conversely, I've dismissed people as braggers, later to find that wasn't really who they were.


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