
Herbert Henry Asquith

In your honest opinion: Is this site more enjoyable when you have anonymous questions turned on or off?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden (MT)
I have them turned off and find it better.
I will defend to the death the right to use pseudonyms, as I do. There are a million and one reasons to want and need not to be known. But there should be an account to go back to, even one that doesn’t give out your real identity.
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In your honest opinion: Is this site more enjoyable when you have anonymous questions turned on or off?

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I originally turned off the anon option so that bullies stay away. Usually, they are cowards, who don't have the guts to tell something straight to your face. And yes for me it's quite easier and more peaceful. I only answer questions that I find interesting or that appeal to me and that's that.
I've been keeping anons on lately, shoutouts and such can get a bit quiet and frankly, anons sometimes ask interesting questions, when they aren't being thirsty bitches.
It's more enjoyable for me personally with anonymous questions turned on. I like to have a good mix of questions, and a lot of them! I feel like the questions are more personalised to me too, rather than me having to just rely on generic shout outs. Of course having anonymous questions turned on attracts the rude and creepy people, though. If I got enough questions from people who didn't hide their username, I would probably keep anonymous questions off. Unfortunately not a lot of people like to show their name when asking questions!
I found it really annoying when I allowed anonymous questions. Not because of abuse (or which there is plenty, especially if you're female) but because people would ask perfectly reasonable, decent and interesting questions, but not show who they are, so you could never build a conversation or any sort of rapport or knowledge of who you were talking to. It's pointless.

Language: English