
Love for 29th Siwon

what is the target for #FreeRice? and there's a minimun amount for the donation?

The target for FreeRice is to donate at least 5 Millions grains of rice. ^^ And also it will be nice if we can get at least within the Top 5 Groups who donates the most. :)
About donation, no minimum amount. Just give what you can give. It's your heart and kindness that counts. :)

Latest answers from Love for 29th Siwon

I answer it " #HungerIQ " with the same name and the same email.. Is this good ?!

We think it is okay. But, if you have another email to use, it will be better. ^^

in #HungerIQ I answer the questions consecutive times~~Is calculated my subscription every time I answer?! Or calculated only one time !!

Hmm.. If you want to report, please just report us the total number of the survey you take each day. For example:
1. Sunday: you answer all 5 questions twice, it means you have taken the survey 2 times. Then, report to us: @Happy29thSiwon #HungerIQ [2] - Your Country
2. Monday: you answer all 5 questions 20 times. Then, report to us: @Happy29thSiwon #HungerIQ [20] - Your Country
Just report to us once a day. ^^

i have a Q ?! After the answer to this Do I have to tell you?! To calculate my score too ?!! http://linkis.com/bit.ly/0OaVo

Hello~ Yes, please tell us how many times you have taken the survey by mentioning us: "@Happy29thSiwon #HungerIQ [number of surveys you took] - Your country" If you take a survey 3 times (it means you answered all 5 questions 3 times), it means you have to report to us in this format: "@Happy29thSiwon #HungerIQ [3] - Netherland" Please report to us; otherwise, we wouldn't know how many children that Siwonests have been given a warm meal to. ^^

Admin saya ingin tanya tentang #HungerIQ jika saya menjawab 5 pertanyaan. Jadi saya harus melapor #HungerIQ [5] atau #HungerIQ [1]

Dalam survey/kuis itu ada 5 pertanyaan kan? Kalau kamu jawab 5 pertanyaan itu dan kamu submit data kamu, artinya kamu harus lapor 1 kali HungerIQ. Bukan 5. Kecuali kamu jawab 5 pertanyaan itu 5 kali. ^^

Hi! We are a Club of Latin America Fans of Siwon called TPG that is a club for HATO latin america fanclub , we are for different places but we want to participate in the proyect , I only hace a question can we put the name of the club instead of our names?

Hi! It doesn't matter for us. ^^

admin-sshi, apa perbedaan 'Personal Gift' & 'Money Owed? ><

Halo~ Sebenarnya sama saja. Dua-duanya untuk transaksi pribadi, bukan antara pembeli dan penjual. Tapi disarankan kamu ke Personal aja yah. ^^ Terus nanti lihat berapa delivery fee yang harus dibayar.

Hi, I sent "@Happy29thSiwon #HungerIQ [50] - Bolivia." -December 29th, @_Siwonestar-, but I don't have RT, is taken in account in the same way? Grettings from Bolivia. Thanks for organizing this great project :^).

Hello~ To prevent the timeline being so full of HungerIQ mentions, we sometimes delay the retweet. But don't worry, we have counted yours into the whole recapitulation. ^^ Because we always put the data based on date you mention us.

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