
Harli Husselman

Ask @HarliHusselman

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You and Johnny are so cute, don't let that bitch come in between y'all ❤

Not sure who you mean by that "bitch" but we don't really let anyone get in between us (;

I am not sure who you are below but enough is enough ! You are hiding behind a computer screen to be a bully and the only person that looks dumb is you .....what ever goes on in Harlis life is none I your business so you need to back off

Thanks mawwwm.

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don't pretend to be the nice guy in front of everyone. cause everyone knows what kind of person you really are. johnny is better off without your lying, cheating, sorry ass. david too.


What's your favorite drink?

Either, a chilled vanilla frap, or a chai spice tea, with vanilla spice latte creamer& lotsa honey


Language: English