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Convince me na effective ang friends-at-first type of relationships. Make it sound and credible. I'm a guy para di magkalituhan.

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Siguro much better na kaibigan muna. Kase pag kaibigan muna mas nakikilala mo yung tao and at the same time mag-away man kayo hindi awkward unlike pag mag-jowa na kayo awkward na.
Friends have a higher chance kapag nag confess cos first they took the time to get to know you first. They had time to decide na do they like you only as a friend or something more? Second, they liked you mostly because of your personality. Third, you'll be friends and lovers at the same time. Lastly, things don't have to be so awkward when you go on dates. Its like a getting-to-know-each-other-stage but make it less weird and awkward. Also, you can split the bills during dates and stuff hahaha
Had it in my q's. Not here to convice, but you have to know it yourself that you can never love someone you didn't knew first. Besides, committing in a relationship means being committed to someone you trust, someone you can put yourself unto, someone who can be your peace and safe haven. And all those someone, can't be a stranger or someone you just recently met. Friends should be builded first.
Well, not sure if that's what you meant on "relationship" tho, and yep, just my opinion. (:
If you started as friends you get to know each other better, create some bonds, and form connection so 🤔
Yeah, I prefer friends before getting in a relationship 'cause we have some sort of foundation like those mentioned above.
I'm not just quite sure if it's a preference 'cause before getting in a relationship one should start as friends
Mas makikilala mi siya ng husto. How the person reacts on certain things, what is her attitude, goals in life, how she handle problems including money. Hahahahhaha. And what is her likes and dislikes.
is it? I thought relationship are better depende sa pag-aalaga. But I think it is somehow effective kung you really fell for each other, hindi dahil pinupush kayo or smthing.

Language: English