
Alexis 'Immu' Delki

If skid destroyed on a replika=> lost?(don't they just get stuck there? Or they will die/get lost(their card change into a faded grey)?

skid is the link to lyoko, if a lyokowarrior is killed on a replika (or in the skid in the replika) it will be lost

Latest answers from Alexis 'Immu' Delki

Will you continue working on "LyokoVN Editor" or at least one patch? because the current version of Unity tells me that there are things that are already obsolete and therefore incompatible

sebastiannavea1995’s Profile PhotoSebastian Navea Becerra
Nope. I don't plan to try supporting the project. Unity is evolving too quickly for it.

Why you changed CDPROG to CD? .. also .. when you make the factory free explore.. will you use the orange rttp lab room % elevator , the 342 factory and the new immu's room scanner to use them modeling the factory

-Because it was shorter so quicker to type (obviously ?)..
Freeroam exploration will start to be introduced while story mode will be unveiled, around 2018.
It's of course work in progress of that kind of work that you can access through Immu's Room. I can't make them available in sandbox directly yet because that wouldn't work properly and there's still ALOT of work ahead.

And this bridge is temporally and it can be used only when Aelita's nearby or aelita's position is the first crd and then there's second crd that you choose (not through the whole map) and so on. It would be cool to see her creativity and making bridges or shields. Can you add a maze in mountains?

Paweł Lidke
no maze is planned for mountains.
A cocoon system and falling - landing platform materialization might be added at some point.

Can you make an ability for xana to dematerialize or tilt plateaus? And, to create sandstorms that can hide monster and spliting plateau into some pieces so warriors need to leave it using vehicles or aelita can create bridge? I have idea for it like: Bridge.firstcrd > bridge.secondcrd > bridge.exe

Paweł Lidke
nope. this is technically not feasible with the way the game works

Hey Immu, j'adore ton travail, tu penses que tu pourrais sortir quelques fond d'écrans de ce que tu as modélisé (Ce qu'on voit sur le point de vue d'Aelita en fait) ? Comme par exemple une tour activée dans la forêt ou n'importe quoi d'autre....

Je ferais peut être ça dans le futur, mais plus avec Lyoko Conquerors, dont les modèles et les rendus sont réellement faits et optimisés pour être pleinement détaillés.

Je me demandais d'ailleurs, Tu n’enfreins pas les droit d'auteur de code lyoko car tu ne demandes aucun d'argent pour ce projet c'est ça ?

Dans l'absolu, un fangame , un fan art, quoi que ce soit de ce genre est illégal.
Mais c'est heureusement toléré (zone grise de la loi..), comme sur beaucoup d'autres propriétés intellectuelles du même genre, surtout en effet parce que je ne fait pas d'argent dessus.
Si je me faisait de l'argent avec, ce serait très con, et très illégal car je ne possède bien entendu aucun droit.

Language: English