

Ask @InWithTheAshes

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If you were a fighting game character, what would your character do?

Hmm. Not sure. I guess I'm someone who likes avoiding direct confrontation, so I'd probably have a bunch of long pokes to control space with and summons for oki - Something like Nero from Melty - and I absolutely crumble under pressure, so no reversals lol.

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Besides your country, which is the next best country in the world?

You're assuming that my country is one I think highly of.

Which word do you want everyone to stop using?

Oh boy, I have so many things I could choose for this. Casual slurs would be a good start. Other fine candidates would be "trolling" (http://ask.fm/B0bduh/answer/120381380906), "misandry" (doesn't actually exist, only works as a joke or something claimed by entitled shitheads), "professional victim" (same thing really), "pretentious" (which the internet seems to have taken to mean "anything I don't like that involves thinking").
Liked by: EddyAntiStu

The "music band" thing is just a habit of mine, I don't usually write in english so I try to make the message as clear as possible.

Ah, sorry about that. Thanks for informing me!
Anyway, as for the question, Yes, The Wrens, Fleetwood Mac, King Crimson, The Mountain Goats, The Antlers.

Your favorite live-action TV series?

I don't really watch much live-action T.V., but out of what I've seen, Mad Men.

Your favorite music bands?

why did you specify "music bands".
did you think i'd like, list my favourite elastic ones or something.

Language: English