@ItsThaPenguin07#32 🇺🇸

Daniel Miranda

Ask @ItsThaPenguin07

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You will loose in a wrestling match

You really think so.
My back and body both are completely, I could be chugging a bottle of scotch while wrestling you, giving it with 70% energy, win, and still not spill my drink.

I would love to talk to that special person right now…..

Tamercutaway00’s Profile PhotoB.Carefull
Me too.
I guess vegetables are the closest I’ll get to them being special.
It in all seriousness, yea me too.
I would love to talk to that special person right now

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Everyone seems like a sweetheart until we playing uno for family gatherings

joejacksin96’s Profile PhotoJoe Jackson
You think that’s bad, wait till you play Monopoly. Just be sure that whoever’s the banker is read their last rights.

11:11 What's your number one wish?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
To finally get my life to where it was before it shattered, but to go much much much much further to the point I don’t send any sort of end to it. Because it’ll mean I’m back to doing what I love best, and what I love best makes me happy.

I want to know have you ever had Ballerina Tea before?

Grac3fulBella86’s Profile PhotoJaiBella
No. But I beginning to have this like perhaps it’s been “roofied”(for lack of a better term) to me…
But no. I have not.

I lost my watch the other day. I retraced my steps and I found two homeless men fighting over it. I yelled stop not on my watch!!

joejacksin96’s Profile PhotoJoe Jackson
Do you know what - you- just- just go and sit in the fucking corner by yourself, and you think about what the fuck you just said right now… you’re in timeout, lol. goddamnit man. Ha.

You are a hard person to talk to

Of course I CAN BE, that doesn’t necessarily mean I am.
But please elaborate more on what you mean by that.
And also let me add to me saying of course I am. I can also be extremely easy to talk to as well. My ability to adapt works wonders when the person I’m talking to is genuinely engaged in the conversation as well. From there I can hold convo as long as I feel said person wants to do the same.
Don’t take this personal as this doesn’t represent you by any means.
I also tend to notice when a persons focus is rather, elsewhere. Or is disengaged. Which will then take MY focus elsewhere. I can at times, reflect the same energy that’s given to me.
Believe me when I say, I can be someone who you can talk to for HOURS with. But don’t expect me to constantly be the one to engage in convo when you don’t engage yourself. I have all sorts of things to talk about, ask about, anything to get to know a person. But if a person doesn’t want to do the same with me, it can be at times one of those, “why bother in the first place.” Give me a reason to engage in someone who seems as though they prefer to be somewhere else.

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Do u have askfm on your phone post a picture

What would be the purpose behind doing that? How easily someone could just grab a screenshot from the internet, post that, and then just say yes. I mean, besides that, why do you need a picture of that..


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