

Ask @IvyDarkRose

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@alyssonzurcmann asked you: Tell us 10 new features that you would like to have here on askfm

My and my friends have been on this site for YEEARS. Seen all the various sites layout changes. But the one change that's really hassled my friends and I is the reporting system. Whether its auto and manual.
We use to be able to harmlessly joke with friends, inside jokes, etc. Now ask has gotten so stiff we are use to some of our accounts just disappearing for having harmless fun.
I understand the reasoning, but here is what I would like to see, either have the power to age gate accounts if that's one concern or, take a hint from other social medias and allow us to have more private account options. All the times I've been report have been for "No no words" despite being an adult. Or for example RPS, or in character asks.
"Not the point of ask FM" True but you DO have a greater amount of audience who like to use their imaginations that way. Quite honestly it is also the ONLY reason I am on ask.fm, all thanks to the first account I followed. Otherwise this site doesn't involve me much in ways of interactions.
There needs to be a system in place to help those who just want to have fun. The malicious reporting is an issue, the reporting because we used a word associated to fruit shapes.
I am not saying let us go wild, but have some kind of ways to help of fix this. Quite honestly feels like I am living with strict parents that will kick you out of the house for some bad words.
And maybe trust the adults to properly report questions that are not suitable.

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Hey could you make more Nathan and Ciara art plz?

maddie_584’s Profile Photomaddie_584
I get quite busy can can't always do that, but I am more than fine if you wish to seek other methods to get more Ciara x Nathan. >w<
Liked by: Black bunny

Sorta curious, how’s mori coming along? Haven’t heard anything about him recently

Other than a collection of idea's he hasn't gotten too far.

Where would you choose to visit Paris, Egypt, or Britain?

All are Good tempted by Egypt >~> but heat.... hmm..

what characters are you working on next?

Fire boi's kids :D then/and Harmony. Might finally do Damian's info so I can release him. He's been in my stash since October xD

Morivin seems like he is more like his dad, with strength and looks without the prideful nature

LOL He is somewhat prideful, I would say nights too up all the pride and jealousy anyway lmao. Some things I have been mulling away is how he trained after his fall. He's not going to give in, that and one would need to fight in such a place.

The other picture without his makeup makes him look younger then he is

Well he is an angel, Age doesn't affect much. (lol reminds me when guys shave and they look 10 year younger xD )
Plus his brother did trick him down into Nadir when he was very young. since Mori or rather Valentin was the second youngest of the kids.
+2 answers in: “Hi ivy nice work on the mask”


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