Have you ever fired a real gun? January 24, 2014 Nope, I'm a pussy Liked by: KEKMDA1337 YourMommasGuru DerPuschel Nissa02 Kenzy nuraiym10 roodie1 PontusPompeLarsson gizosimov Rick7496
You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose? January 13, 2014 aqua Liked by: Olya_Ryabinka
I was the number one seed now I'm bout to get eliminated Ty Maciejewski December 16, 2013 nigga you suck
I'm pissed af this nigga beat me with Phillip rivers on my momma Ty Maciejewski December 16, 2013 get good scrub
What's the best thing that happened to you today? December 08, 2013 I got to push my moped in the snow, that was fun
What are the things you always take with you? November 21, 2013 my phone, even tho I don't have any friends to text or anything
What do you want right now? November 16, 2013 my studio to be finished so me and @TaM10_43 can get that over night fame