
Jade Clark ♡♡

Ask @Jadedoe21

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so when did you actually stop cutting? that's brave btw. and im proud of you even though i dont know who you are.

well , i stopped the start of my freshman year , then i got in a really rough relationship , and i'd come home & look at the blade and one day , i just lost it and started cutting . and continued o do it almost everyday , and then like , i stopped in likeeeee june & didnt do it for like 2 months , and then the middle of august , i started back after after somethign happend . and kept doing it till about 3 weeks ago . & yeah .. I've not touched it for a bout 3 weeks. I knwo it sounds like very little time, but for someone who has a bad history of cutting, it's good. And i don;t think i'll cut again . I think i've finally realized that that's not the way to solve problems . And I'm done with it. I threw away all my blades & everything i would use to cut . sooooo , yeah . I'm done with cutting for good . To anyone who's cutting , it's not the answer. and it doesn't have to be that way . There's other ways , and i know it seems so easy & like your best friend , but it's not . you could do one thing wrong & cut the wrong way , and bam. you're dead . It's so not worth it . and You're all beautiufl & have a future ahead of you . I'm here to talk to anyone who cuts . I knowwwww how you're feeling , but i promise , life gets better , and Self harming only makes it worse . ~

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Do you self harm or have you ever?

I started cutting when i was eleven , and now i'm fifteen & have left that behind me . If you self harm , You're not alone . and You're no different from anyone else . Stay strong . I'm here for anyone who wants to talk to me ~ ♡

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got time...

ha , well . i fought katie at school , white plains , & got arrested there , and did like 7 days , the day i got out , i ran away . the same night , ditched school , got high , & then my mama called the police & shit . they found me , took me in , they told me i could either go to school , or go home . I said neither , and they gave me a jumpsuit & my shit . and they told i could go home , i still said no. they ahd my mom , my po come in and talk to me , and had these dcs workers coming in to talk to me , trying to get me to go home & i still said no , they told me if i dont go home i was gonna get put in states custody , and i said fuck it , put me in states custody . i had a girlfriend that was already in custody , so i was thinking hey , ill be with her , itll be alright . & everything at home was prettttyyy fucking bad . & i was getting bullied really really bad at school , so , yeah . i thought it was a good choice . but i was in for like two more days & then went to court and they told hudson everything i said , and me wanting to be put in states custody , and he said for me to come back to the next court in two days & tell him wether i was going home or states custody . they took me back to juvi , and I did the two days , and that morning at 9 , when court was , the workes at the detention center asked me if i wanted to go home , or still wanted to go to court , or what i was doing. still said i wanted to be put in custody . so , i go to court , judge hudson asked me what i wanted to do , I looked at my mama , and she was just balling , straight balling . So , I stopped . thought , and i decided to go home . But i still had the runaway charge , and failed my drug test . This was a thursday . and so , he gave me like fifty hours community service , & gave me like 10 days in juvi , I went home , next day had to go turn myself in . I did all that time , & got like one day of community service done . I was doing good , hadn't been in trouble . one night , i go out with some friends . were chilling . It's like 4 in the morning , high out of my mind , me & kendra , swinging at the projects With two other boys , they were like 18 . me her both were 14 , and they say "COPS!" and they take off , and me & kendra trip , because she's on house arrest & both , on probation . with curfew's of 6 , And so we run up behind one of the houses in the projects & stand up against it for like twenty minutes , and i walk to the side of the house , and i see they're gone , soooo we both fucking run to the dude's house & as soon as we walk in & sit down , knock on the door .. They answer it , the cops say ask for us , we walk out . they ask as some questions , put us in cuff's & put us in the car .& drop us off , and she got sent off , i got three days , & 60 hours cs... yeaaaaaah. I was an idiot ~

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Did talon ever hit you?

Naaaaa. He knew better. But he'd get in my face & yell and call me a cunt & a bitch and a hoe. and all this. And would hit shit. And then laugh at me when he made me cry. I'd rather him physically abuse me , then emotionally. But , shit . it's all done & over . i wasted my whole freshman year on his ass . And it wasn't worth it all. he brought me down majorly . Put me through alot of pain . but who ever this is, that keeps asking about talon, please stop. i've moved on, and could care less about him. like , i hate him. hate thinking about him. he's my past. and all i care about now is who i'm with now . fuck him .

What happend 2 u and brianna fulcher being best friends

Welll, 1 - She talked shit about me alot . 2 - She chose other people over me, when i had her back from day one . 3 - she got mad because a boy she liked , liked me . but , ha . I'm over that shit . I'm not about the drama anymore .
Liked by: Jade Word emma marek


Hahah , kaiiii

I sometimes get lonely, and i kill animals, cats, dogs, rats and so on. Once I've killed them I lick their assholes while pointing a flashlight at their pupils to see if they enjoy sex after death. No result so far, so my question is; do you think dead people enjoy sex????

tf' is your problem dudeee ?


Language: English