
Jade Clark ♡♡

Ask @Jadedoe21

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Thank you for sticking up for me. I love you so much.

dude , no fucking probelm . dumb bitches these days , i swear . I love you too Britttttty .

Do you self harm or have you ever?

I started cutting when i was eleven , and now i'm fifteen & have left that behind me . If you self harm , You're not alone . and You're no different from anyone else . Stay strong . I'm here for anyone who wants to talk to me ~ ♡

Britney is a bitch.

Listen , Who ever the FUCK this is , come off anaon . and call britney a bitch to me & i'll pop you in the fucking mouth . you don't knwo the last thing about that girl . she's been through hell ! And has a hell of a story , if you got to know her , and didn't listen to dumb ass cunts that talk shit , then you'd know , britney is one of the most caring , nicest , sweetest , people ever . she's not a bitch . NOW , maybe if you did something to her , she will be a bitch too you . but what goes around comes around . but please , come off anon . I'd fucking love it . don't talk shit about my bestfriend . especially if your on anon . Pussy .

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did you get raped as a child? everyone says you did...

it's nobody's buisness what i've been through as a kid . who ever this is , mind your own shit . bitch .

Do you honestly like britney lackey?

Nooo. that's my other half. I don't see her like that, at alllll. Were just super close. & she's dated my best friend , and two of my ex best friends , and one of my close friends , so it'd be kidna fucked up of me , andddddd yeah , were just too close . and plus i'm madly in love with danoel & don't want anyone or anything besides him ♡ but , britney , i'd do anything for her , she's been trhough the same shit i have , and im verrrrryy sympathetic to her . because i feel her pain . but i would never be with her like that .

opinion on your ex brooklyn flatt

Broooook . She's my homie still . and she's been here through it all , and is a good friend , we have been through alot together , buttttttt were still close . and yeaaaaah . She's chill asf & a good friend .

if talon were to come back to you would u go back or no.?

Never everrrrrr . Everything is gone , and i have moved on with danoel & he's wayyyyyyyy better then talon ever was . Much better . talon ain't got shit on him .

who would u call ur "rideordie" best friend???

Kendra cleghorn ♡ Just because of all the shit we'd went through together , all the days in juvi , the bullshit. everything. She was there. ♡


Language: English