

Ask @JimmyLee242

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How many times have u been drunk

None. That's not to say I don't drink, I do. But I make sure not to get myself drunk because that's pretty frowned upon at my house.

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What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship with a person?

The big one is if I think that remaining friends with that person would be damaging to my mental health over the long-term. If that's the case then it wouldn't be worth it to keep the friendship alive.

What's your favorite or best physical feature?

Of myself? I guess the fact that I'm tall? Not really a fan of my own physical features.

What myths and legends do you find most interesting?

I've always been fascinated with ancient Greek/Roman mythology since I grew up reading the Percy Jackson series

﹅❁. What is your summer song?

If you mean the song I associate the most with this summer, either Call You Mine by the Chainsmokers or Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello

If there were a book about your life, what the cover would look like?

Probably a picture of me mid-faceplant cause that's kinda how my life has gone so far lol

When were you truly scared of smth? Tell in details

When I was very young (like 3 or 4 years old) my fridge would make strange humming noises (we still have the fridge but it's not the main fridge anymore for unrelated reasons). I was playing with my toy cars in the dining room and since I had never heard that noise before I got really scared.
There are other times where I was scared too but those stories aren't nearly as lighthearted as this one.

what are some ways you manage stress?

One thing is that if I'm feeling overwhelmed I step away from the situation to collect myself. Sometimes this means literally stepping out of a room and walking around, other times it means putting away whatever I was doing and going onto Youtube or something.
Also frequent short breaks. If I get into something I might end up overworking myself, so taking short breaks helps me clear my head a little. Sometimes that means going on ask, sometimes that means scrolling through Twitter or Facebook, and sometimes that means talking to friends.

What do u prefer , pdf books or paper books ? Whish is better ?!

I prefer paper books. Never really liked to read from a pdf because I can't really highlight.

How many bestfriends do you have? ❤

I have like 2 or 3 groups of people I'd consider "best friends" so I guess under 10 combined?

What activities do you prefer? What would you like to learn to play or ride? 🎱🏓🏒🎾🚴🏻

I used to be decently into bike riding, which I haven't done in a while. As for what I'd like to learn, I guess hockey and archery too.

What makes someone a bad parent ?

Including but not limited to:
Abuse of any form
Berating their child for every mistake no matter how small while never praising any achievements
Refusing to let their child form any friendships (and thus social skills) outside of school hours
Finding ways to blame their child for everything, no matter how ridiculous the path to get there is

Future goals ?

As of right now one of the main ones is to get my professional designation for my field of study.
But also want to travel to a few places some day.

Two people that flirt a lot and it's obvious that they like eachother?

I can't really say tbh, just because any 2 people that I know that fit into this category are that way because they're a couple.
Also as evidenced by events that happened earlier in the year, I'm definitely no good at recognizing whether or not someone likes someone else or not.

You always scold yourself for...?

A lot of things including but not limited to social interactions (aka talking or not talking to someone)


Language: English