@JoeeeMason#89 🇬🇧

Joe Edward Mason

Don't you believe that every thing has a maker? You are totally illogical Who created the details of your face and created you in the best shape!! Who created your cute,handsome face!?

nourhans55555’s Profile PhotoNourhanYahia
I believe everything has a maker but I don't believe it's all one maker! I don't see how that's illogical xD My mum and dad? xD

Do not leave yourself like this, seek out your true creator so that you do not regret it in the end, do not follow your own desires and become misled far away,so What's your opinion about it?

nourhans55555’s Profile PhotoNourhanYahia
Seems very preachy, which I don't appreciate.
Liked by: DovahMonah

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