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Latest answers from Joey_Huang

Hey Joey, I cannot forget, I sent you messages on Skype, but you never online :/ How are you ? :D Hm sorry I forgot my kakaoid and password too :(

Oh. What a pity!:-( Maybe I should register a new kakao account. Perhaps it's easy to remember if I use my cell phone number to register. My cell phone is broken so I've bought a new one and I haven't download skype. I'll try to login after I download. I never forget any one of my friends. Don't worry.

晚餐是番茄肉醬千層麵+燉煮南瓜+桔子茶+蘋果派~~~~~~~~~~~~ 請問你捉捕放山雞(←原本的晚餐)的能力強大嗎?


晚餐是昆布蔬菜捲+嫩煎椒麻雞(微辣)+布朗尼蛋糕+鮮奶綠茶(給你們解辣233)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 你吃飯的時候除了味覺以外,更注重的是香味還是視覺效果?(今天好正經喔我一定壞掉了)


晚餐是紅酒燉牛肉+花椰菜拼盤+肉桂麵包+巧克力冰沙~~~~~~~ 夥伴的姨媽(月經)來了,你該怎麼善待他233333


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